Science with Experiments for new Co-Op

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  • missceegee

    Hi ladies,

    I’m beginning a new support group and co-op program and we would like to have 2 classes per age group each week. We’ve decided on Science and Art to begin with. For the babies – 2nd grade we have a plan, for the 3rd – 6th, I’m still noodling! 🙂

    Question #1 – For science we would like a complete program w/ experiments (ie. Apologia Astronomy), but I’m wondering if any of you have other options to recommend. To buy the book and kits for each kid would be ~ $60 and in this economy that can be a stretch for some. For the younger kids, we’ll do a hodge podge of experiments, but we are hoping for more direction and focus for the olders.

    Question #2 – We would like to combine the K-6th for the second hour of art, mainly to save on needed parent-teachers since our group is small. One option we’re considering is Artistic Pursuits. There is the possibility of hiring an outside teacher, but that gets $$$. Other ideas?

    I appreciate all of your wisdom and suggestions.



    Hi Christie,

    What did you decide to do for your co-op? We would like to start one this fall but I’d love to hear what worked for you. We have a few kids in each grade for K-5, for a total of 20 kids and we are starting from scratch as far as lesson plans, etc. Let me know what you think!


    Hi Christina,

    This is long, but here you go.Laughing

    We just finished our first year of a CM inspired co-op and it was a success. We had ~ 50 kids babies – high school, but with the majority under 6th grade. We met 15 weeks per semester and offered 2 hours of classes, a big undertaking with 24 families. Each adult worked one hour & had one hour free for fellowship, unless someone needed a substitute – this did not work well with our small group. Next year, adults will teach/assist both hours & we’ll have “floaters.” 

    We had the following classes:

    • Nursery (babies -2) – both hours
    • Preschool (2-4) – Story Time Adventures & Music and Movement
    • K & 1st – Science Explorations, Atelier Art, PE/Playground Games
    • 2nd & 3rd – Apologia Astronomy & Atelier Art
    • 4th -6th – Atelier Art, Apologia Astronomy, FL History
    • 7th – 12th – Yearbook & Service Hour (lower grades)

    The classes went pretty well, but we found room for improvement. Art was enjoyed, but lots of work & $$$ & storage space. History is hard b/c people are in different cycles and want different things. For the 2010-2011 year, all classes (1st & up) will have a syllabus/schedule so parents know what’s going on and substitutes have an easier time filling in.

    Upcoming Fall Classes…

    • Nursery
    • 2s & 3s preschool – similar to 4s & 5s
    • 4s & 5s pre-k and K – Storytime, Science Experiments, Music, Outdoor Playtime, etc.
    • 1st & 2nd Grade – Science Fun! and Geography & Missions (8 wks) & 101 Things Kids Need to Know (7 wks)
    • 3rd – 8th Grade – Jr. EMT (taught by a fireman dad and nurse mother)
    • 3rd – 5th Grade – Apologia Botany w/ lots of hands on
    • 6th – 8th Grade – Writer’s Workshop
    • 9th – 12 Grade – Yearbook & Apologia Chemistry (outside teacher, college style, not CM style)

    Upcoming Spring 2011 classes…

    • Nursery, 2s & 3s, 4s & 5s – same or similar
    • 1st & 2nd – Etiquette (8 wks) & Paper Construction (Origami) (7wks) & Drawing (7 wks) & 101 Things (8wks)
    • 3rd – 8th – 101 Things Kids Need to Know (taught by different dads for the most part)
    • 3rd – 5th – Critical Thinking Skills (through games)
    • 6th – 8th – Apologia Anatomy (lots of hands on) 
    • 7th – 12th – same as fall

    Other things we did or will do…

    • Monthly mom chats (encouragement and fellowship) that starting this month will also have mini-CM lessons as a part.
    • Weekly park play days
    • At least 1 field trip per month
    • Various get togethers (game, movie, crafts, swimming)
    • CM Seminars. We were honored to have Sonya come for a 2 day seminar in March.
    • Thanksgiving Feast & shoebox service project (name escapes me right now)
    • Christmas cookie party & caroling at nursing home
    • Spring Banquet & talent Show
    • Family Field Day

    To help share the burden, all families will have at least 1 additional job this next year. It might be setting up each week, leading assembly time, collecting Box Tops, etc. We have a big list. This way my leadership team and I won’t get stuck with all of the work. 

    Overall, it has been a privilege to help encourage others and lead this group and I’m looking forward to this next year. So far we have ~ 75 kids for this next year and we’ve set an upper limit of 100. 

    Oh, we also use a great website service to help with communication and lots of other things. It is from If you want to see our page, click River City Homeschool Adventures. You will only be able to see our public pages as it is a secure site, but I highly recommend this co. it is very reasonably priced and well done. 

    We do have a Parent Info. Handbook w/ all of our policies, rules, our statement of faith, statement of behavior & responsibility, etc. If you are interested, I can email those to you.

    This may be more than you wanted to know, but hopefully it helps.



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