My ds 15, 9th grade, is doing Apologia Biology this year. He is looking at going into the Engineering field, on the design side of it, and obviously leans more on taking Physics than Chemistry. He did an abbreviated version of Physical Science in 8th grade (we used a pre-packaged curriculum, and it ended up being more conservation science than physical science, so he only covered some of the Apologia Physical Science book).
In MI he is required to take Biology, Chemistry OR Physics, and one more science. He will have Bio, but I am hesitant to do Physics next year. He is taking Algebra 2 right now and will be taking Geometry next year. What I am thinking is having him do the DIVE Integrated Chemistry and Physics (used to be called Physical Science) in 10th next year, Physics in 11th, and then if he isn’t taking college classes at that point he could do some Advanced Physics in 12th. (He is looking at a Welding certificate class at the local CC during his Junior year.)
I guess what I am asking is if it is OK to “go backward” in science? Do 10th in 9th and 9th in 10th? Or should I just plug ahead?
Any suggestions if I choose NOT to continue with Apologia?
Don’t take Physics until he has a good grip on trigonometry.
Actually, many engineering majors require a lot of chemistry credits. I’d still stick with the usual schedule–do chemistry next year, whatever you use, and then start physics as soon as he has enough trig to handle the equations (unless you are doing a calculus based text!) You could then do an advanced physics and calc in the senior year. That’s what my future electrical engineer is doing. 🙂