science-Outdoor Secrets and Among the People

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  • mama_nickles

    I am making plans for DS for 1st grade in the fall. I had been thinking of doing Outdoor Secrets with the companion twice a week (to take close to the whole year) and also simultaneously reading through one or two of the Among the People series as part of circle time, maybe 1-2x/wk. Would it be better to do OS the first part of the year (3x/wk?), and then do Among the People when we are done with OS?


    I’m not sure there is any right answer but I would do the two simultaneously. Unless perhaps you are somewhere where it is hard to be outside a good chunk of the year and then you might just do the books then .



    Mamm_nickles…your 2nd plan worked for us.  We did Outdoor Secrets first and then went ot Among the Farmyard People.   We really enjoyed them both, but it may be overkill to do them at the same time. 




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