Science Curriculum


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  • dmccall3

    I wish I could take a poll but in lieu of that, what is your favorite Science curriculum? I am hoping to use something quality/engaging but also biblically accurate, if that makes sense.

    And as a follow up question, how do you handle the subject of evolution?




    about evolution…read my posts in the recent thread called successes about jonathan park cds from vision forum. in no way have we shied away from the truth that evolution exists as a belief…but we have very solidly taught creation. early on we used many books and sources from AIG which contain MUCH science. the different AIG dvd’s are great! the JP cd’s are extremely educational (and entertaining…and have the salvation message as well…my daughter has come out celebrating b/c a character came to Christ, etc… the lines between creation and evolution are clear..the reasons, the faith, the desire to not submit to God (evol.), etc. and it isn’t cheesey…it is definitely living. My dd is 7. She carries on quality discerning conversations with adults on this issue. My pastor was surprised at the depth of her answers when he was questioning her before agreeing that she was ready to be baptised. She still is listening and learning daily from the JP cd’s.

    I know of 1st and 2nd graders who don’t even know what evolution is…imho…that can be a mistake…the world is so reasonable and dangerous in its logical sounding arguments…and we need to prepare our children for the spiritual battle we are in the midst of…by giving them firm foundations of truth and by not ignoring the ugly, but eqiupping them to stand firm when satan tries to undermine all we are out for with our children, by luring them away with one of his most effective weapons, the insidious philosophy of evolution, which destroys in such a broad path and on so many levels… so that when they hear the falsehood, it is not such a shock and a oh, i never thought of that…or a well, i don’t know why, but i don’t think that’s right, etc.

    Well grounded, seeped even in creation…and giving all Glory to God…

    and educated…about the lengths people have gone to –to deny God…and what that has done (as they get older.)



    Mum In Zion

    We are enjoying “Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space” by Stephanie Redmond.  We have only done a couple of lessons and I’m sure the subject of evolution will come up sooner rather than later.  But one thing I like is that she includes scripture verses for each lesson.  


    Michelle Anglin

    anyone know if SCM will be writing another science curriculum? We are almost done with 106 days….it’s wonderful btw.  HIGHLY recomend.  I’m using it with a 1st, 4th, and 7th grader with no problems.  But I wish that SCM would write another one!!! I have used Noeo science, it’s really good too.  Very CM.  If SCM doesn’t have anything when I’m done with 106 days I’ll buy Noeo again. 


    Hope this helps…..a little.



    the only one we’ve used so far is 106 Days of Creation, and we are in our 2nd year using it. We love it! I’d like to hear suggestions for future science curriculums!

    Our girls are ages 8, 6, and 4 and they know that evolution is a theory (like) created by a man named Darwin who didn’t believe God’s Word that He created the world. He had to make up something since he didn’t believe in God. We’ve told them people believe the world came from nothing (by chance) and how foolish that is since this world is so beautiful and amazing. Each animal is so unique but similar in qualities etc. We try to talk about God’s creation daily in some way and stand in awe of it!


    Agree w/ Jo. And we love JP too! May I suggest anything from Answers In Genesis? They do have a Science Curriculum. But if you choose something else, they have many wonderful books and dvd’s to supplement! Have Fun!!

    And definitely start early on Creation vs. Evolution!


    Agree with Jo and 2flowerboys!


    We’re using Outdoor Secrets and reading Thorton Burgess books with younger children.  We also use Apologia with high schoolers.  I’m looking forward to God’s Design by Answers in Genesis for those middle elementary years.  mmg


    I know this is an old thread…but what is JP?


    Jonathan Park.  If you don’t know what that is, you can find out here:   It’s a favorite in our home!


    Never mind…


    OK those look really fabulous!  I’m afterschooling my almost-6-YO (she goes to a small church school) and I’ve been trying to figure out something to do for science that will really help her to understand that creation is true.  Not just something that teaches Creation, but more than that if that makes any sense.  Those CDs look perfect!  Now if I can just convince DH to forgo buying the kids a motorized Jeep thinger for Christmas and getting those instead…

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