My school-aged children are 14, 11, and 9. I have used an unschooling approach to science, while using SCM for all other subjects. I have used SCM Nature Study, and am finishing 106 Days of Creation Studies, God-willing, this year (I have 3 younger boys, including twins, so we’ll see). I plan to use a formal SCM science curriculum this year. Do any of the elementary science curricula cover the same material as 106 Days of Creation Studies? Many of the resources appear to be the same.
Discovering What God Has Made and Exploring What God Has Made both cover similar material as 106 Days of Creation Studies. Both use the days of creation to introduce science topics such as the atmosphere, rocks, plants, and animals. Discovering What God Has Made is parent led and is suitable for grades 1-3. Exploring What God Has Made is written directly to the student and is suitable for grades 4-6. Both include narration prompts for each lesson based on the books used in the courses.