schooling with a 20 month old

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  • jill smith

    Hi all, we just adopted our first little boy and oh what a joy he is. This is a first homeschooling with a busy boy. Any suggestions on things to keep him happy? He is very smart and no delays. He just doesn’t like to play alone and not much into to many toys yet. Thanks for the suggestions and help.

    Nicole Brignolle

    Hi and congrats!

    I would spend one to one time with the baby before setting up an activity for him. Fill up his cup and it will facilitate his playing on his own.


    Best wishes,



    I agree with Nicole.  Spend good quality time with him before you start the school day.  I usually schooled with a baby on my lap or hip.  Allowing them to do as much with us as I could.  Read alouds, play with age appropriate math blocks that only come out at math time, color/draw during any table work. A trick I learned was to have a “school bin” for each school day.  Special toys/puzzles etc that only came out on a particular day of the week and only during school time.  Each day would be something different.  It doesnt have to be elaborate, as long as it is something special that only comes out during a set time.  Shoot for just 10 or 15 minute blocks of independent time.  A perfect CM lesson length for elementary.  Mix up subjects so that he can be with you for a bit, then 15 minutes of independent play while you help someone with something, then back to group time for a bit, then more independent time.  It is challenging but those days are my fondest homeschool memories. And give yourself lots of grace, most days will probable not be as productive as you want them to be, and that is o.k.  Relationships are far more important than academics.

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