schooling and home office work in the morning

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  • Benita

    My dh really needs me to help him with the clerical stuff in his business. He works full time has a business and is studying for ordination! Crazy! Anyway, I plan to take over his computer entry work, filing, post office and bank run, and faxing jobs.

    HE needs me. I know I can make this work. The reality is that it needs to be done in the mornings to get deposits in, etc… Besides the fact that I am worthless at night to do it and the late afternoon/evenings get wrapped up with errands, appointments, and running kids to things.

    So, what I am considering is to start the day together with breakfast and our SCM module thing that we do together: Bible, history/geograpy.  Then I need to go out to the office in the barn behind the house for about an hour to an hour and a half. I would take my youngest with me to do her copywork, explode the code, and math. The 5th, 8th, and 10th graders are responsible and can work independently during that time on their work.  Then, when I come in I would help them for about half and hour or so and then help the second grader with her reading and science. Then again address whatever the older ones need my input on.  Coming together at lunch for read alouds and extras like composer or artist/picture study, etc…

    Does anyone else have to do something like this? I guess I worry that I won’t get to everything with them or that the youngest won’t be fresh for reading if we don’t do it early. 

    Any suggestions from others that have to fit in some home business stuff during the day?

    Doug Smith

    Could the kids learn some business skills and help out too? It would be great experience for them.


    I do the books for our farm.  My kids are young yet (4th gr, 2nd gr, K, and 4yo), they still need me too much for me to try to do our books while they “do school”.  Also, we don’t HAVE to do things in the morning.  I’ve just set aside Tuesdays as my day to “do QuickBooks” while they play.  It takes about 2 – 3 hours each week;the kids play or do little bitsof school (ind. reading / handwriting, things they don’t need me for).

    Internet banking is my scary friend.  I pay all hte bills I can online, transfer money online.  We don’t have a smartphone, so I can’t deposit checks online yet. I usually pick one day per week and head to town to do banking and post office and errands.  If we had more mailing to do, I’d check into the at-home postal thing (but I think it’s $16.95 per month, and that’s not cost-efficient for us.)

    Just a warning that you may need to scale back somewhere – not as much running the kids places or eating off of paper plates for certain meals (or on certain days), bad meals (1meat, 1 veg) for some meals/days, having the kids take over the housework so that you can spend your time on business and school.

    Bes wishes! 

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