School topic for today – earthquakes

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  • Sara B.

    Anyone else breaking from regular studies to watch the news and learn more about earthquakes and tsunamis?  That’s what we’re doing.  My 3 girls (ages 8, 6, and 4) are incredibly interested.  They are just glued to the TV and the maps I print out, etc.


    Sara, we’ve also been praying, watching, learning, and discussing since we found out at 7 thismorning – my boys hearts seem very softened today…

    May we join our hearts in prayer, for all those in need of comfort…

    I am watching in horror and praying, it is so tragic – the depth of the disaster may not be known for quite some time and I am praying they will not suffer a major after shock.  May God bless them all.  Linda

    Jodie Apple

    We too have been praying over this horrible tragedy.   We also discussed Haggai 2:6-7–“This is what the Lord Almighty says ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.  I will shake all nations and the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty.”  Psalm 46 is another great passage to discuss at this time.


    We have been praying for the people of Japan, Hawaii, and those on the west coast.  We live in CA and my kids have been to Santa Cruz (we’re about 2 hours from there) so of course they are wondering how far inland the waters may come.  My 8yo is a little fearful of most things, but knows that God is in control.

    We have never experienced anything like this first-hand…we’ve been talking about how powerful water is and the One who created and controls it all.  Wow. 

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