School Grade Levels & Corresponding Ages

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  • Claire

    6th graders are roughly ~ 11, 12

    7th graders ~ 12, 13

    8th graders ~ 13, 14

    9th graders ~ 14, 15

    10th graders ~ 15, 16

    11th graders ~ 16, 17

    12th graders ~ 17, 18

    Does that seem generally right to you guys? 

    Just curious.

    Do you just do your year’s work and move them on to the next grade?  Do you find that you have one student in several grades?  I wonder how that plays out in high school … ?  Food for thought. 



    That sounds about right.  I just tell my kids the grade they are in based on age.  So, my DD8 is going into 3rd grade and my DD10 is going into 5th grade.

    As for the work that they do, my DD8 will be doing mostly 4th/5th grade work.  A couple things might be more 3rd grade like copywork.

    My DD10 is doing 4th/5th grade work but her reading is probably more like 3rd/4th grade.

    We use the grade based by age so that when they are at library or VBS or church things that are divided by grade, then they are still in an age appropriate group.  If there will be a lot of reading I have talked with the leader for my oldest and let them know privately that she struggles so that she isn’t put on the spot in front of all the other kids.  For my youngest it doesn’t really matter.

    On a funny note, when my youngest was “1st grade” she knew she was in first grade but suddenly one day started telling people she was in 2nd grade.  When I asked her about it she said that it was a new year (January) and so she figured she was in a new grade. =)


    Those ages are correct. I simply tell my kids they’re in that grade for many the same reasons as pangit. They work on or above grade level in most things. They understand we will work til we finish. If that’s 18, great. Older, no problem.


    Probably smart.  I have one who is very senstive about graduation age … of all things.  I think late fall birthdays do that to kids!  Unless they’ve never been in school.  You know there is always that 5 years old by September 1st rule that leaves those 4 year olds who are almost 5 to wait a whole year to enter.  And oddly it seems to stick with ’em!

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