I noticed a comment on the thread about single moms earning a living while homeschooling that expressed concern about job prospects for our children when they reach adulthood. I have similar concerns, and I wonder:
Do any of your school age children earn their own income? Not allowance, but small business type income. Do they run a babysitting service, sell crafts at an etsy store or farmers market, do lawn mowing, breed and sell farm animals?
I find my life in a family that is self employed to be EXCELLENT and I would like to see my children make this choice as well. One of my goals in homeschooling through the middle school years is to set my kids up in some kind of small business – my very artistic daughter will be coming to this age first and I would like to see her selling artistic items crafted by her through an etsy storefront.
Has anyone here helped their kids with a home business? Any budding tycoons out there LOL?
Our boys breed rabbits every spring; marketing them to local 4Hers and rabbit shows. Its not much $ but helps with thier own 4H club dues and the care of the rabbitry throughout the year. Also, as the boys work the gardens with Dad: tilling, planting, weeding and harvesting, they get to sell and make profit from our community and local farmers market. Another thing, we are doing (mostly targeted at our teenage ds) is iearning about entrepreneurship. We’re taking a DVD course called “How to start your own business for families and teens” by Stephen Beck.
This is a great question and I look forward to hearing other ideas! God bless you & yours, Gem! Heather
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