Does anybody ‘schedule’ Uncle Josh’s Maps CD-ROM? Under Bible? I see that it is used on various days throughout the week for Bible and History with Module 1. Is this one of those thing that you put in as ‘to be used with’ something and only use it occasionally? Also, for those that use Uncle Josh’s do you use the Africa one only, or also use the Ancient Egypt one? It just seems like a close up to me.
All this techical stuff is just driving me crazy 🙂 I’ve watched all the how-to’s but when it comes right down to it, I get all flustered as to how to put it in correctly.
The organizer is great, but it took me a while to get things set up the way I wanted. Maybe this info will help you, so here it is for what it’s worth.
I don’t put in resources like Uncle Josh’s Maps or other reference materials. These are just tools we use. I have an entry under geography entitled “Map Drill”. I know we’ll use Uncle Josh’s Maps and our Atlas, but I don’t need those specifics listed.
I put in certain things with monthly divisions – Piano Lessons, Piano Practice, Chores, etc. I tried weekly divisions, but would forget which week I was on, I generally remember which month I’m in, so that works.
For our Bible, History, Geography, I enter our Handbook under Bible to be used daily. I then enter the other resources (by term) under their categories (history or geography) to be used daily and choose “Use With”. My detailed list will be under Bible, lesson by lesson, but this works for me. I just know that my lessons for Bible, History or Geography are detailed there and the books used are under their categories. At first it bothered me to do it this way, but I realized I was letting this terrific tool be the master, instead of the other way around.
I find entering things from B,H, & G, by term keeps things neat and clean in my daily plan.
Thanks Christie! I am so glad that I am not the only one that has trouble getting things entered correctly. I will not put in Uncle Josh’s. That makes sense to leave out the reference materials. I did go ahead and enter in the Module 1 under Bible and the other stuff accordingly. At least I think I did 🙂
So, for every book that is listed under History or Geography, if you have it listed ‘to be used with’ the Handbook and it is listed to be used M-F, does it just stay on the daily plan under H or G until you get to the day you are to actually use the book?
And, yes, I will be adding in the new books by terms. I agree that it would just be be too many books on the daily plan.
Now, 106 Days is next on my list to try and conquer. I have NO idea how to list all those books and videos. If I tried to go and put in the exact date that I thought I should be using it, I believe I might go mad. And that is just unrealistic to try and guess the date, even if I know that I am doing it MWF and my start and end dates to the terms. Right? Or is that how you’d do it? Or maybe I should just put in all the books ‘to be used with’ the handbook once again? If I did that, for sure, there would be a gazillion books on the daily plan. It wouldn’t know which ones I really want to use! LOL!
The beauty of the organizer lies in its flexibility, but that means you won’t have an exact date for something and that seems to go against your planning nature (at this point, at least.)
For BHG, I may get behind a day here or there, so that’s why I have things entered as daily and use with by terms b/c I might not do geography every W. Yes, if it is under use with and daily it will be there every day until finished. You could always put it under Saturday and then just click on it when you want to use it.
For literature, I use the start after feature. So I might have Little Women to start on 6/1/10 on MWF and then enter Mr. Popper’s Penguins to start after Little Women on MWF.
I also have some things listed with blank divisions like this.
Really Great Books (my 6 yo’s daily plan)
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3…..
Then I use the note feature to put in the title and author each time. This works for picture books and science books, and things that I don’t know what order we’ll read them in, but I know we’ll read a science book on Tues or Thurs. for example.
For the 106 days book, you could just enter that under science and then use the note feature to indicate what books you use with each lesson or just put the books/videos in in order and use the “use after” feature.
I hope this helps. I wish I could show you what I’m talking about as that is easier than describing it.
Haha, yes, it does seem that I want things dated! At least from that last message 🙂 You’ve given me some great ideas. I think that I am getting the hang of it. I think that I will just have everything ‘to use with’ but only have the books by term. So, that way, at least there won’t be too many books on the daily plan 🙂
The Saturday scheduling sounds like a good idea too.
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