Scheduling Thank You

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  • gr8tfulCMmom

    Well, I just finished my 2009/2010 scheduling.  I just had to say THANK YOU! This year, it was even easier.  In less then an hour, I had the entire year scheduled.  It’s done…I can’t believe it!   Even adding resources was a breeze with that division “go” button.

    And Sonya, the Joshua thru Malachi Guide is fantastic.  I’ve used Ancient Egypt & 106 Days, and they keep getting better.  It makes my job as teacher so much easier.  The way you did this one, 3 days Bible, then Geography, then the History reading.  It’s outstanding.

    We still have a couple weeks before we start, but now I can hardly wait.  As Hannibal from the A-Team used to say, “I love it when a plan comes together”.

    Thanks SCM…


    Sonya Shafer

    Hurrah! Thanks so much for the encouraging words!


    Will you come and schedule the year for me??  Wink…sigh…I am totally new to HS.  Torn between Heart of Dakota…loved it until I visited this site…and SCM.  Now I am begging God to show me what to do.  The idea of planning the entire year is almost too much!!  I think I most def need to get that year planner…HA!

    Choosing a math is about to send me over the edge.  Then planning…for the WHOLE YEAR??  yikes…i better get in gear!!

    So happy for you and thankful you posted this…need to get it together!!



    Pam H

    Speaking as a dreadfully schedule-challenged individual, I would also like to thank Sonya and the rest of SCM for the Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education kit.  It has taken me a week, but it’s done. 

    It was so sweet.  I prayed today before I got started and ideas just started flowing.  I am excited about school this year for the first time in a very long time.  

    Thank you!

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