scheduling supplementary books for SotW

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  • Shannon

    How do you schedule the supplementary books for SotW? I was hoping I could enter a book and schedule to read it during a certain chapter of SotW with the ‘goes with’ feature but that doesn’t seem to work. Do you schedule certain books to read certain weeks? (But that would make mute the great feature of not assigning specific dates to do certain activities.) Or do you just enter the books you use right before using them? (But that seems less user friendly.) I’d love to be able to enter say, three picture books that go with SotW chapter 7, then two additional books and chapter 1 of a third that go with chapter 8. Is that possible? And if not, how do you do it?




    I’m bumping this up, really hoping someone can explain this to me this morning. I’m trying to get our organizer set up and feel like I’m missing something.



    Jordan Smith

    Right now you can schedule books to be used with each other, but not with a specific chapter of another book. (This feature is on our wish list of ideas for future updates.)

    One way you can make this happen now is by scheduling only portions of a resource and linking the “use with” to that portion. For example, let’s say resource A is a book with 10 chapters and you want to use resource B with it when you get to chapter 7. You can schedule Resource A twice: once with chapters 1–6 and once with chapters 7–10. Then you can schedule resource B to be used with the instance that has chapters 7–10.

    Another idea is to schedule a resource to be used with the first book, then add a note to the assignment or use a custom study method to detail which chapter the second book goes with.


    So for SotW I’d need to enter each chapter as a separate resource in order to have the supplemental books show up with it? And even if I did that, once you put ‘goes with’ as the criteria, you lose the date order, right? That seems like a tremendous amount of work but maybe it would work.

    Otherwise, the supplemental books are just kind of floating around the ‘to do’ area waiting for their turn? If you enter SotW as one book to be done one lesson a week, say, then you look on a list of what book goes with the chapter you are on and pull that one out and mark as worked on/finished when that happens.

    I guess what you are saying is I still need another file that tells me what books go with what chapter, and if I have that, maybe it is best (practically) to just enter the supplemental books as we read them.

    Thanks for your thoughts. I’ll go check out that wish list.

    If others have suggestions about how you have ‘organized’ SotW, I’d love to hear!



    Why not schedule your SotW for your weekly M-F chosen days.  Then schedule additional readings for Saturday.  Then you could just use a copy of the Table of Contents of SotW and jot down the corresponding book chapters on it (you could also just note this directly in the SotW book). Everyday when you are reading SotW, check to see what else you read with that and read it.

    Then, when going through the Organizer to mark off completed work, you simply open the Resources Not Scheduled for Today button and open the additional book. Check off the completed chapters. 

    It isn’t in the Organizer daily, but it is still recorded on a regular basis.


    Just sharing what I did and worked for me this last year…

    I sheduled the main book, Outdoor Secrets, starting the first day of my school year.  I also scheduled the first supplemental book starting the first day of my school year.  All the following supplemental books were sheduled in order as ‘use after supplemental book x’.  Then, because the OS Companion alternates reading a story from OS and reading one of the other books, I read and checked complete for whichever resource was up for that day.  So I had two streams of resources going.  If you want to coordinate with certain chapters, perhaps knowing it wouldn’t always be alternating one and one, I would shedule them the same but just keep a cheat sheet tucked into the front cover of SOTW that would list which books go with which chapters.

    You could break the SOTW resource apart and shedule it 30 times but that would be a serious pain.


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