Scheduling subjects not specific days.

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer Scheduling subjects not specific days.


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  • Akeana

    Hi, I am new to CM, SCM and the organizer.  Total newbie!  Please help! 🙂

    I recently purchased the “Keep it Simple” plan for my first grader.  I plan to try to stick closely to the plan for this first year.  However, we can only do homeschooling for 4 days instead of 5 bc we attend a co-op one day/week all year.  As a result, I am not able to follow the 5 days a week plan.  So, I decided to not worry about what specific days we do the lessons as long we we follow the “one lesson per book per day” plan for 4 days/week. Meaning, week one, we will cover lessons 1-4, week 2 lessons 5-8, week 3 lessons 9-12, etc.  Sooooo, the same subject will end up being done one different days each week.  However, I can’t figure out how to use the scheduler in that way.


    I would really appreciate any suggestions!


    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Akeana. That’s one of the items on the CM Organizer wish list. I, too, would like to have that option for the weeks that I’m away from home and traveling, then I could just do “the next day” on any day of the week. I did that type of scheduling last spring but never found a good way to make the CMO work with it.

    What I ended up doing was creating and printing out a weekly schedule that showed which subjects I wanted to do on Day One, Day Two, Day Three, Day Four. Just a simple list of subjects for each day. Then I looked at that schedule to see which subjects to do and used the CMO for keeping track of where we were in each book and record keeping of what we accomplished each day. I set the CMO up to show every subject every day on the Daily Plan, and on the days we did school work I closed up the ones I didn’t need based on my weekly schedule.


    Thank you very much for your timing reply!  I REALLY appreciate it.  I will give that a try and see if I can make it work.  I’m trying not to stress, but it’s hard for sure!  🙂

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