This is our 3rd year homeschooling,but our first year using CM. I have wanted to do CM style since we first began but became overwhelmed looking through other sites and decided it would be too difficult. Then I found this site and it is so much more simplified! I LOVE it. I’ve purchased all the books and curriculum that we need to start. Some we were already using. Scheduling is not going so well. I have a subscription to the online organizer and that is helping somewhat. We start in 2 weeks and I’m not sure we are going to be ready. Originally we were to start today,but I didn’t get anything scheduled. I’ve not scheduled the whole time we have been homeschooling and I did fine for awhile but then it got to where I didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing and when to do it. I don’t want that this year. I want to be organized and everything to run smoothly. Any suggestions on how to make the task of scheduling go a bit smoother?? We are ready to dive into our work just don’t know how to make it all work.
Sonya’s Planning Your CM Education is an excellent resource. You’ll even be a little ahead since you have thought through your year and know what you want to do. I would recommend going through all the steps though since it does help to have the big picture in mind as well. You can even get the ebook version and get started right away. This will help you to get everything ready to put in the Organizer and it will flow from there.
I write my subjects for one child and how many times a week I hope to cover them. Then I make a chart with Mon-Fri across the top and start writing in the daily subjects across each day. Next add in the ones that you do 4 days a week, then 3 days, then 2 days, then 1 day. By midway through you can see if you are loading too much work on one particular day. For example I would like to do science on two days that are spread apart ideally(like Tues Thurs), but in real life it might work better to do it on 2 days that are in a row (like Wed Thurs).
We’re still learning about CM, so I’m not any help with those specifics, but the general idea will be the same.
Thanks for the help. I sat down last night and wrote down everything that I want to do with all four of the kids then I broke it down into family/individual and how many days a week I wanted to do it. Then I got stuck from there. So I purchased the planning CM Education ebook. So I’ll start going through that. Thanks again
I am very visual, so maybe this will help someone. Bookworm gave me great advice a few months back and this is my implementation of her advice.
Below is a link to an image of my 8 yo 3rd grader’s daily/weekly schedule, if that helps. I have this posted in our schoolroom so that I don’t have to print from the SCM planner each day. We just keep going where we left off before.