Scheduling SCM High School Literature

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    I’ve been going through the SCM curriculum guide as I schedule out our next term. I notice it gives the groups of literature books to choose from for each age group and mentions to choose from these to read aloud and then you can assign a group to older students to read independently.

    We’re getting ready to start Module 6 and I notice that some literature books are scheduled in the guide such as Animal Farm, The Red Badge of Courage, etc.

    How do you schedule your high school students literature with using the SCM guides? Do you only do the assigned literature books in the guide and then just do a read-aloud? Do you do the assigned literature in the guide plus choose a group of literature books (or pick a couple from the literature group) for your highschooler to read independently?


    I am curious too as we are required to cover American Literature for one semester.


    Mine aren’t in High School yet but we are just finishing up the 6th history guide this spring. I had my 6th grader read Animal Farm on her own (after I read it so I could discuss it with her). I also assign other literature for her to read (She picks one from a list she made earlier in the year of books that are recommended). Then we also do a read aloud at lunch time. I guess I will continue with that when we reach high school as well.


    The books scheduled in the history guides are intended to be part of the history study itself.  So, I followed Sonya’s advice from another post, and assigned one credit in history for tha whole set of books assigned in the guide.  Then you could choose a set from the literature section of the free curriculum guide to use for lit.  Or, what I did, was put together a list of books from other guides (  like Sonlight) for that time period that were not included in SCM plans…and made an American Lit course with Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Grapes of Wrath, and a few others that escape my mind now.  then I put the rest of the books that looked really good to me on a list for free choice reading to complete their literature studies.  Worked well for us…


    anniepeter, did you do any kind of analysis for those lit courses or just read?  I guess the analysis part is what has me wondering.


    I just came across this Socratic Discussion Guide (it’s at the bottom of the link).  It looked interesting and I like that you can use it with any book.

    I would save any overlapping books for the history credit since those would be harder to replace…there are so many good choices for literature selections!



    We just read and did written narrations as they came to me.  We’re pretty loose here.  They did take the CLEP test for literary analysis, and did fine.  They just learned the terms we had missed when they studied for the test.  Many feel differently I’m sure, but I just don’t consider it necessary to totally pick good books apart.  I try to get them to write and discuss deep and controversial things.  But I don’t worry too much over a formula.  As long as they can do the thinking, they can plug it into whatever format they’re given when they need to.  Just my way…;)

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