Scheduling Resources in the CMO that are NOT Books?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer Scheduling Resources in the CMO that are NOT Books?

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  • artcmomto3

    I just started my CMO trial.  How do I schedule resources that are not books, like doing copywork everyday, but I pick and choose randomly what we use?  Or for my DS who is entering K we will do some preliminary things like using the roll-a-dough or the stamp & screen before moving onto the K book from HWT?  Or for picture study where we just choose a different image every couple of weeks?


    I put those things in just “as is” and create the number of divisions I think I need.  For example, for copywork, we do poetry mostly.  So I will enter “Copywork”, create 50 divisions (or whatever), name each division “Piece”.  Then she will work on “Piece 1” for a week or two and we will mark is “worked on” every day.  When it is finished, we will mark it finished, then “Piece 2” will come up.  If you do different random sections every day instead, you can name each division accordingly. For your K student, I would create something called “Preliminary Handwriting” and create however many divisions you think and just name them “activity.”  Then, mark each activity “worked on” or “finished” as they arise.  Then you can enter HWT to be done after the Preliminary Handwriting activities are complete.  

    Does that make sense?

    Jordan Smith

    You might also find our video about special resources helpful. It explains how to add non-book resources and gives some tips for keeping track of things like picture study where you might not have specific pictures planned.


    Thanks, Jordan. This helps a lot!


    Tia, thanks for the help!  I realized I made the copywork for DD to not be in divisions, so when we finished the one activity it completely removed the resource since it appeared to be completed.  What you recommended makes a lot of sense.

    I ended up planning our preliminary lessons for HWT for DS, so I was able to put them in divisions as well.  Thanks for your help!


    If you search for “Copywork” in the Bookfinder, there is a resource/book called “Copywork”, with 100 divisions (no description) already in there for you to schedule.  

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