However, my other question is how can I schedule specific hands-on activities as resources. For example, we are using the pre-k handwritting without tears manipulatives with my pre-schooler. Some days I am going to want him to build certain letters with his wooden pieces. ( I want to be able to schedule what letters I want him to work on. And they don’t go in alphabetical order, they go in order of ease of forming/writing.
Other days I will might him to use the HWOT “roll-a-dough” to build his letters. Other days I might have him work with his HWOT stamp-n-see screen. You get the idea.
We also use a lot of games for my preschoolers “math”. One day we might play dominos, the other day we might play “go fish”, etc. What is the best way to schedule a specific game for a particular day using the scheduler.
You can schedule them as seperate resources… really easy if you want to use them on specific days (ie, Dominoes on Mondays, Card Game on Tuesdays and Thursdays, etc…)
So – for your handwriting… you might create a resource of “HWOT Wood Pieces Set” – select Division of “Letters” and then put in the letters for each division…”t”,”i”, “e”, “l” (or whatever the order is…).
For something where I don’t want to specify which specifically is being worked on (ie, which letter) – and if I expect to be using it for a long time, I would make 12 divisions, with the months of the year, and then marked “Worked on” for each day worked on… and then “finished” the last day of the month they work on it. If I am not expecting to be using it for a long time, I say no divisions, and just marked “Worked on” until done.
If you don’t know which days of the week you want to use something, you can either schedule it for everyday, and then just mark that you did it on the days you do it… or (I do this for things done rarely) I schedule it for Sunday, and then the days we do it, click on “Show assignments not scheduled for today” to mark it of.
Thank you for all of your help!! (With both of my questions.) I did exactly what you suggested by creating a division of “letters” and put them in the order I needed. It seemed to work perfectly.
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