Scheduling History Question

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  • Mum In Zion

    I’ve just started a trial of the CM Organizer thinking ahead for next year.  I intend to use the SCM Module 5 Handbook, but instead of American History I want to substitute in Australian History.

    So… when scheduling a resource for History, is there a way to distinguish between World History and Australian History?  or Do you schedule the Handbook and not break it up into separate subjects (History, Bible, Geography)?

    Now the Australian History resource I want to use is called “Language Lessons from Australian History”, which has an Australian History book as the spine and uses this as the base to teach all the Language Arts components (grammar, copywork, writing, poetry…) as well as some geography and picture study.  Kind of like Primary & Intermediate Language Lessons I think. 

    How do I put this resource into the Organizer?  It is both History and Language Arts.  Is there a way to schedule one resource for more than one subject?

    Thanks for your help.



    I am thinking about that one for next year and took a look at the free sample and yes the books and days are split into U.S History and World.

    Hope you enjoy the LL from Aust Hist, I am using it for Language Arts/Aust History this year and it is great.


    Hi Michelle –

    The lessons should be split up in the Module according to the topic. Generally, if you look at the sample lessons for the various modules, you will see a pattern and will easily be able to figure it out from that. 

    Yes, you can schedule a guide for more than one subject. Generally I just schedule it for history, and list the books in the other categories that they fall in (Bible under Bible, and geography under geography). But you can do it either way.

    You may also delete chapters that you will not need in each subject while scheduling in order to make life easier during the school year. You do this when scheduling the resource.

    For example, say I chose to use the Ancient Greek guide, but didn’t want to use the geography lessons. As I scheduled the guide in my history category for family, I am able to select chapters. I can click on “Select Lessons” (it is the line beneath the section that chooses the method you will use the guide for). It will bring up the list of every chapter in the guide. You can click on the lessons that you DO NOT want to use and it will omit them from your lesson plans. Be sure to save your resource. 😉

    You should be able to do this with your Australian history/Language Arts program. As you schedule the SCM 5 Handbook, just delete the American History days and schedule your new resource separately.



    Mum In Zion

    Sheraz – thanks for the tip about deleting unwanted lessons from the Handbook. That will make things much “tidier” 🙂

    When I schedule a resource under History, it only has one option – History. Is there a way to add a subject category, such as Australian History? If not, will all the History (both World and Australian) be lumped together on the Report?

    So, for the Aust Hist/Lang Arts resource, would I schedule it twice… once under Language Arts and again under History? Is this the only way to show that work was done in both those subjects on the report? Or is there a way to schedule the resource once but show that it is for 2 subjects? Does that make sense?

    Kcoard – great to hear a positive report about the Aust Hist resouce. Do you use the online CM Organizer?

    Thanks, Michelle

    Jordan Smith

    Is there a way to add a subject category, such as Australian History? If not, will all the History (both World and Australian) be lumped together on the Report?

    There’s not a way to add your own subjects right now. (It’s on our wish list.) You’re correct; history would all show under the same subject on your reports.

    Right now the Organizer also doesn’t allow you to schedule a resource for multiple subjects (also on the wish list). Remember that if you schedule a resource twice, you’ll need to mark it off twice. Instead, you might try adding a custom study method that notes you’re using the resource for both History and Language Arts, such as “Read and narrate for History and Lang Arts.” That will show up in your reports.


    I am certainly not the expert =) but I do not think that you can schedule it once and have it show as two separate subjects. I have always had to enter it as separate subjects. However, if it is located in the Bookfinder (once you save it as a resource) you can do each subject and remove the portions that do not pertain to that section (remove the history from the LA and vice versa).

    My reports from last year list the Subject as History, but also lists the books used so I would know what I used. I schedule my guides so that it is easier for me to track where I am, but I also list the actual books the guide has recommended that we use. 

    Here’s another example: I scheduled the Ancient Egypt guide as is. I marked that we did each lesson and the day we did it. The report I chose to print out printed out under History listed the guide, the lesson titles, and the dates I had marked finished on the O.  That is fine.

    However, I really wanted the record to also show all the amazing books we had read, so I scheduled them in the O to read on Sat. (since that is not a normal school day for us). On the days we read those as listed in the guide, I will open my “Not Scheduled for Today” tab at the bottom of my daily plan, open the book, and mark the chapters read. Then when I print my yearly records, there is my history list: the guide as well as all the books read to go along with it.

    I have requirements that I have to follow for our state’s rules, so this helps me to easily keep track of those. You may not need that much info.

    Many people just schedule the books and mark those as they follow the guide.

    Just thought of this – and I have never seen the guide so have no idea if this is possible – perhaps you could list the guide in teacher resources and then enter the various books used under the separate subjects.  As you complete each lesson you would just mark the subject done that day. Then you may not have to even schedule the guide. (Although I tried that once and MUCH prefer having the guide on my check-off list!)

    Mum In Zion

    Jordan & Sheraz – thank you for your ideas/suggestions. I think I understand better now how the Organizer works. I will play around with it and try a couple different ways to enter the resouces and see what works best for us. After all, isn’t this what the Trial is for 🙂

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