Scheduling and thoughts for last part of year and preg- *LONG*

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  • christina

    Warning…this post is LONG!

    Okay, I am really hoping I can get out all my thoughts here to be able to get some feedback! I am getting so tired…normal LOL for the last half of pregnancy! Over the Christmas break, we took two weeks of holidays, and it astounded me to see some of the things that DD’s were doing when there was no scheduled school time. I found math pages done, reading, and oldest DD had spent 3 days copying out a science project from MSB chapter books in which she then presented on New Years eve from 12 pages she had written out!!!! (Imagine my shock!) Through all that, I came to realize that perhaps for the last part of the year I need to tone things down and let them explore a little more, and try to be rigid a little less…I am huge on scheduling, and when we don’t get our school work done to what I feel we should, I feel guilty, and it seems to really bother me. I am thinking that my expectatins and Gods expectations are probably very different which is why this is really coming up? With schooled ages being 8, 6, 4, how simple can we actually get? Can we take copywork down to 3 days a week? One thought I had was to have the subject for the day on the calendar….so every Monday be science, every Tues be history, and just let the kids stay within that theme and see what they do? Facilitated, but not heavy. Any thoughts? I am also having a challenge with books…I have too many going…too many I want to do…how do I simplify this? And yes, in that last part I DID say “I”. My DD age 6 has stopped wanting to listen…could this be because we have too many going on? I have been back through post after post taking notes, and I think Cindy said for the ages I am working with, to do one history, one bio, one lit, and one character study…even that I am having trouble simplifying without feeling like we are not doing enough. I would be so blessed by any answers and thoughts on this! Thank you for taking the time to read this!




    You’re too hard on yourself. I can recognize it easily, b/c I tend to be the same way.

    During times like that, when you’re preggo exhausted, I institute Half Time. We do half the work during that time. Instead of wanting them to do a worksheet of math, I might set the timer for 15 min and however much they accomplish- great. Then we move on. During Half Time, I only do the 3 Rs + Literature. So, I’ll read our Bible study over breakfast, then have them read a little, do a little math, a sentence or maybe two of copywork, and then everybody can play outside, do chores, or help make lunch & get dinner in the crock-pot. Watch documentaries together. Then after lunch we’ll gather on the couch for “story time” – Lit. I don’t do history, biography, geography, science, or fine arts during Half Time. None of those subjects will deteriorate if we take a long break from them. Focus on the basics.

    This is temporary. Give yourself grace. Clearly, your kids will keep right on learning with or without you. 🙂


    I second what the9clarks said!

    When I was pregant with my second child, I fretted over not doing enough with my first child because I was soooo tired. My sister told me, “Learning how to be part of a family is the best learning experience you can give your children.” That comment comforts me when I feel like I’m not doing enough school stuff…I remind myself the family stuff is actually more important work.

    Seeing how pregnancy can tire you (as well as excite you and delight you), is a good lesson for both boys and girls. Giving lots of time and attention to a newborn is also a good lesson. Sometimes I notice that parents who have a hard time with the job of parenting tend to be adults who didn’t spend time taking care of younger children when they were young or when they were teens. It’s a life-long lesson to be part of a family that cares for each other…and that includes caring for Mom when she is pregnant, nursing, changing diapers, soothing a baby, etc.

    I like the9clarks idea of going HalfTime with your schedule. That way you don’t lose the habit scheduling (I’m a scheduler, too, and I know how good it feels to have a schedule). And perhaps you suggest some ways ways to do narration that keeps the kids occupied without you…such as putting on a skit, making a diarama of a scene from your read-aloud, writing a poem (if they can write independently) about a character, etc.

    All the best to you!!


    I also and prego and due the end of the month. For us we work on somethings everyday which are important to me and the dh like math, religion and copywork. After that if it fits we do it, if i’m to tired it gets skipped.

    Don’t get overly worried I have learned they learn a lot just learning the basics of homelife, which is where I want them to love what we do and how we do it. Also, for me and no matter if prego or not we are done at noon! That’s it school is over. At that point I feel we have had our fill and it’s time to get outside and do something or just move on in our life. Our boys are 10, 9, 7, 4.5, 2 and due. So I know they a lot of learning left to do and a long time to learn it.

    Dont’ sweat it just take each day as it’s own and do with it what fits best for your families needs.




    Thank you for everyones posts and wisdom!! This has really given me some things to think about, and to find the peace in taking things easy.

    I love the idea of half time.

    It was also very comforting to hear that I am not the only one who is big on schedules, and to hear the peace in everyones posts about taking things easier was very convicting. Thank you for taking the time to answer!




    I’m about 9 weeks along with my 5th. I’m having a very hard time getting school done through morning sickness. I don’t have any advice, but it’s nice to know that I’m not the only one feeling guilty.


    dd8, ds7, ds5, ds2


    Man, you ladies seriously need to learn to give yourself grace!! I read an article in Above Rubies about a lady who was on bedrest the last half of her last pregnancy. All they did was lay in her bed while she read to them. No seatwork at all. After the baby was born, she had them tested to see how much catching up she’d need to do. As it turns out, their vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skipped a grade level and they were all ahead!

    Be encouraged. This is temporary.


    the9clarks- you speak with such wisdom.. =)


    Yes, the9clarks is right!! We all need to give ourselves grace. I just had my fifth blessing on Christmas Eve..what a wonderful gift he was. We started back into a normal routine the Monday after Christmas..with my other children 8ds,6dd,4ds (will be five in Feb.),2 1/2 dd, and now a newborn. We aren’t covering all the subjects but just doing the basics of Math, Bible, and copywork..the rest we will catch up on sometime. Thanks for the encouragement!!!


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