Scheduling Ambleside Online Readings with the CM Organizer

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    Anyone have great tips for doing this painlessly?  Some books are not scheduled every week, so I am not sure the best way of entering those.  I know I could do the chapters all  separately, but that would take so. much. time! Undecided

    Or maybe I need to enter the books normally and keep the AO weekly schedule at my side, then mark off in the organizer as needed.

    Thanks in advance,



    Hi Heather (I’m a Heather too)

    I use AO with the organizer…  and yes, I keep the AO weekly schedule handy. 

    I determined which books we would read on which days.  Before printing the Daily Plan for each child, I just go through and close the books that aren’t scheduled for the week.  The extra step is a tiny pain – but is still the best way of organizing that I have found!

    btw – many of the AO books that are in the bookfinder have been tagged with the AO year… not all the books were in the bookfinder… but many were.



    I never noticed that I could “close” a resource for the day.

    Thanks for the info Heather!  That seems like a great option.

    Anyone else?



    I just started using AO and just signed up for the organizer today.  I’m trying to figure it out too!!  Do you combine any of SCM’s books with AO?  I keep going back and forth about whether to use SCM’s combo Bible-History-Geo or stick with AO………….


    At this time I’m doing mostly AO, with American History removed and Canadian History brought in.  I have at times used Milestones Academy for some substitutions.

    I find the organizer works well with AO, as long as you keep a paper copy of which week you need to do which readings (especially for Year 1)


    Deciding whether you want to use AO or SCM for History will depend on your desires for your home. If you have multiple children and you want to have them all on the same history cycle, SCM will do that for you. If that is not a big concern AO could fit the bill. I think it’s important to remember that we are in charge of the curriculum, not the other way around. I personally love both resources and pick and choose from both lists. I also know many moms who fit AO to their families by combining children that are close in age into the same year. It is ok not to match the AO year to you child’s grade. The book choices can be lofty. My children are excellent readers and we are working 2 years behind at AO. SCM’s booklist is right on as far as level goes and the book choices are top notch. Basically all of this rambling is to say you get to choose and you can choose both!



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