scheduler- I forgot to update work from yesterday-now what?

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  • pjssully


    I am just beginning to try out the scheduler/planner and I had a few things in the planner for yesterday.  I had such a “bad” day, that I forgot to mark off what we did accomplish yesterday.  I can’t figure out if there is a way to go back to yesterday and mark off the things we had done.  Can anyone help me?



    Jordan Smith

    The Organizer allows you to mark off work you forgot to record if you click the little triangle next to the Today checkbox. That opens a “drawer” with the past week’s dates, plus a calendar so you can choose any date you like.

    If the resource you need to mark off isn’t scheduled for today, you can go to the bottom of the page and open up the section for “Not Scheduled for Today” to see other resources you have scheduled.

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