schedule mom in CMO?

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  • bethanna

    Hello, everyone!  We now have “real” internet & I have been taking some time out of holiday preparations to look over the CM Organizer & related posts.  I want to sign up for a trial month so I can figure out if it will work for us.  I sure hope it does!  Should I start that right in the middle of a term or wait until close to the beginning of our next term?  I’m SO non-techie…

    My other question is about a post from some time back.  I thought that some of you were talking about scheduling yourself as a student and including your to-do list items as your assignments.  But I can’t find that post anywhere!  I’ve searched and just started reading through many without finding anything like that. Anyway, do any of you do that?  How well does it work?

    Thanks so much!



    I have another, more important, question.  Will using the CMO use lots of data like music or video does?  If so, I’m not sure we have enough in our data plan to use it…

    Doug Smith

    The CMO is not heavy on data. The majority of the screens are mostly text without large images. There is no video used unless you choose to watch a tutorial.


    I watched the tutorials yesterday & it shocked me how much data they used!  So now I’m more cautious about video, etc. The tutorials are great though!  I think I have a basic understanding of how to use the CMO and will learn more as I go along.  How long does it take the free basic account and/or a paid account to go into effect & be useable after I sign up for it?

    Can I access the CMO from a tablet as well?  I’ll usually use a laptop b/c that has a printer that I can use.

    An unrelated question also: my husband has been using the tablet to look up various things and he speaks into the tablet instead of typing in what he is searching for; does that use more data than a text-based page?  Just wondering…

    Thank you so much, SCM team, for all you do!  Our family enjoys your products and I am so thankful for your support and encouragement in our homeschool journey!

    Doug Smith

    Your account is available instantly after sign up. The CMO should work fine on most tablets as well as desktop computers.

    Yes, speaking instead of typing does take more data. I believe they send the audio over the internet to be interpreted and then send the text back.


    Thank you, Doug.


    Bumping this for my first question about scheduling mom in the organizer. Does anyone do this? For planning, chores, your own reading? I’m not sure how entering these things would work, if it even would. I’ve been thinking of putting the children’s chores on there as well.

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