Schedule for Ourselves Book 1: Self-Knowledge

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedule for Ourselves Book 1: Self-Knowledge

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  • Tamara Bell


    Version A would be a wonderful companion for busy Mommas.  I have every intention of reading with my 7th grader BUT….with a 4yr old, 2 yr old and babes in tow the days get away from us at times.

    Would you suggest scheduling Ourselves over 2 yrs or longer?


    I have to say that I would like to see a student guide. With a large family I need things as independent as possible for my older children.

    Sonya Shafer

    I’m pondering whether we might be able to create something that can be used either way—as a parent guide and/or a student independent version. Stay tuned.

    Tamara, in order to read in small chunks and digest, I recommend reading Ourselves over four years: Book I over two years and Book II over two years. It works well to do Book I in 7th and 8th grades and Book II in 9th and 10th grades, for example.

    Tamara Bell

    Thank you Sonya.


    Sonya, I love your ideas about Ourselves. I am planning to begin reading it aloud this year to our Year 7 & 8 kids. I am in the process of tweaking the AO schedule a bit. I like what you are saying about spreading Book I over two years and Book II over two years. I’m definitely interested in a parent resource to go along with it. Any idea of the time frame you are looking at? I suspect it may not be ready for the upcoming year. I’d love to see your schedule if you don’t mind sharing m(dot)greenebalts(at)yahoo.(dot)com.


    Rachel White

    There’s an audio version available,  too:

    Sonya Shafer

    No time frame as of yet, Melissa. There are several projects in queue ahead of it currently. Look for the e-mail I sent you.


    Thank you Sonya!!

    Salina Fedrick

    My son will be a 9th grader this year and I’m not sure which book to start with. This is new to me, and I didn’t know the volumes were for the kids to read? Thanks. 🙂


    Salina – I am sorry for the confusion.  This is the only volume that is really recommended as a resource for the children to read (either with you or on their own with discussion later).  If you will look on the individual grades overview chart (see link below), start with 7th grade and I think you will get an idea of what the SimplyCM team recommends as far as reading this resource for Personal Development each year.  I understand that your son is in 9th grade so I personally think you still have plenty of time to have him read this one (it is recommended to be spread out over 4 years).

    Hope that helps!!


    Hello Sonya!

    Would you kindly send me a copy of the schedule as well? I have a ds about to start 7th grade also.

    Many Thanks,

    Anna Lissa


    Sonya Shafer

    On its way to you, Anna Lissa. Check your Inbox or spam folder. 🙂

    Tamara Bell


    I wasn’t sure about asking for a copy of the schedule since this is a project you are thinking about tackling for the future.  If you’d be willing to share, I’d appreciate it.  My oldest is now 7th grade (time has flown).  I felt like we finally had a good routine down and now that he is getting a bit older, adding a bit more to his load has me biting my nails.  lol

    My email address is whisperingoakacres (at)

    Thank you Sonya.


    Sonya Shafer

    Happy to, Tamara. Check your e-mail.


    Me, too!! Can I get a copy? I was just thinking about starting this with my Dd. My email is amiherzberg at gmail


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