Schedule for Ourselves Book 1: Self-Knowledge

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedule for Ourselves Book 1: Self-Knowledge

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  • Jamie

    We have a 7th grader this year so I was going to have him read the first half of Ourselves Book 1:  Self-Knowledge as suggested by Simply CM.  Just wondering if anyone has a schedule or some good discussion pointers on doing this with your own children?

    Also…  Is it just me but I do not actually see the title “Self-Knowledge” anywhere in the table of contents.  I am assuming that we need to read about 100 pages of this book this year.  Am I correct?

    Mrs. K

    I would just take the number of pages in the portion you want to read for the year and divide that by however many weeks of school for the year. That would give you how many pages to read per week. From there you can decide to spread that reading out over several days in the week or read it in one sitting. Hope that helps! 🙂


    Mrs. K – Thank you for the helpful tip.  I am just concerned that the reading will be so “dense” that we may only get through a small portion each reading.  (At least that is my personal experience as I read through Miss Charlotte’s writings.  I can only digest a little bit at a time.)

    Mrs. K

    I know what you mean. 🙂 You could spread it out over 5 years like Ambleside Online does. I think then you would be looking at maybe somewhere around 20 pages or so for a whole term. And that would break down to about 2 pages a week.


    SimplyCM – I would love to see some sort of study guide/handbook along with a reading schedule to guide these discussions with my children.  I know the list of “things to do” is long but I think this is a need.  Thanks!!


    Oh and can someone please point out where the “Self-Knowledge” title is?  I am still not seeing it.  Thanks!!


    I feel very silly and I now see that  “Self-Knowledge” is over on page 1 of the book.  😜😜😜

    Sonya Shafer

    Jamie, I’ve been thinking along the same lines and would love to get everyone’s opinion on which kind of resource would be most helpful. Would you prefer

    A) a separate parent guide that outlines the readings, give definitions and notes as needed, and lists narration and discussion points for each reading
    B) a student version that contains those things?

    Also, use the contact form to e-mail me if you would like to see a tentative reading schedule for the first year (7th grade), covering half of Book 1. I don’t want to post it here because I might tweak it, but at least it will give you a starting point.


    Sonya – Glad that we are thinking along the same lines.  I was thinking more of a parent’s guide with a tentative reading schedule, definitions, notes, narration/discussion pints and the main “objective” of each reading.

    Sonya Shafer

    So are you thinking you and your student will sit down and read the passages together? Or will you assign the reading and then discuss afterward?


    I was planning to stay a couple days ahead of him on the reading,  have him read small chunks independently  2x a week, then we discuss and narrate throughout the week.  Hope that makes sense!!

    Mrs. K

    Sonya, this would be such a handy resource! I wish something would have been available when my oldest daughter read Ourselves! I think a parent guide as you outlined in option A would be hugely wonderful! Especially pointing out any points of discussion or things the parent might want to know ahead of time about the reading. It would be helpful to have brief answers to the discussion points or page numbers for where the discussion points can be found in the book. This would be so helpful for when you can’t get an assignment pre-read. I do think a student guide could be beneficial as well. 🙂

    Mrs. K

    Sonya, maybe the questions in the back of the book could be utilized. Maybe having answers for them outlined and then those could be used to help aid in discussion of the readings? Just a thought. 🙂

    Sonya Shafer

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ladies!


    I used the questions from the back and just had the readings correspond with those. I created a lesson schedule with the questions and a place to jot down “points to ponder” and “actions to take.” Those are available as free downloads for both sections of Vol. 4  on my blog – along with one for each of the other volumes. Here is a link to those if you are interested:

    I read it with my kids and we discussed it, trying to find ways to apply it to ourselves. It could be read individually, but I think that we got more out of it by reading aloud as the rest followed along.

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