Thanks for your input regarding outside play time. Now I am interested in schedules for Nature Study, if you do not mind. How does that work out in your day-to-day routines?
LOL, where I live scheduling nature study doesn’t work very well. We do have a once-weekly nature walk on our planning list (we use the CM organizer here) In fact, Tuesday afternoon is scheduled as our nature walk. However, the weather here likes to play havoc with my schedules. For instance, today the wind chill is -30. 🙂 We’ll be doing well if I brave the outdoors long enough to refill the bird feeders and we watch through the one remaining window that isn’t iced over. LOL I really do strive for a nature walk each week, but sometimes events conspire against me.
We also do include a lot of nature readings, however, and videos. These we can do ANY time. I just schedule in books like I do any other book. In fact, maybe we’ll just watch a video today. LOL
A site I’ve found helpful is It has a weekly nature activity to do while you’re outside. Sometimes they are a little lame but often we incorporate that into our walks. We also geocache a lot, using that as our nature walk and notice things as we go.
When the weather was a little nicer around here, I made it a point to go on a nature walk around our neighborhood at least twice a week. If we were studying something in particular, I would drive somewhere else, like a forest preserve or arboretum, to observe or we would just go out in the backyard. Sometimes my dd7 would take her nature notebook with her and we would stop and sketch. Sometimes we would collect samples, bring them home, and work on a project there. Now that the weather is so cold and snowy, I’m less likely to go outside, but this is a big downfall on my part. I just hate being outside when it’s like this, but my kids love it! There are lots of things to sketch and observe this time of year as well.
I hope my ramblings help. I’m sure someone else has a much better, organized way of doing this, but it works for my little family!
Okay, this is good. However, I know that one of Charlotte Mason’s ‘biggies’ was being outside a lot. I have a difficult time making that happen (I’m with you Faith…cold is oo-ey – maybe we can learn to be brave together!). But it’s not just my own preferences; the time just slips away. I’m wondering how others do it. I know this is a funny time to be asking about outside time; it’s 7 degrees here this morning. I know that habits have a lot to do with it. It’s easier to head outside when things are tidy versus chaotic. So maybe that is where we have slipped. What thinks ya’ll? 🙂
Nature walks are hard here also with the weather right now. Thankfully my children dont care about the weather and still find time to enjoy the outdoors. I prefer to stay at least a bit warm. My boys love to read nature books and when we can find them videos. I have also downloaded the Burgess books from Librivox and my boys love them!!!