The main thing with the Famous Men books is that they give an overview of the time period. The only other choice I know of for a living overview would be the Guerber books, The Story of the Middle Ages and The Story of the Renaissance and Reformation. However, reading both of those in one year would be a lot of ground to cover; they each have more than 100 chapters. You could assign them, but you probably wouldn’t want to assign any of the other books that we recommend for that time period, just because of sheer volume.
Now, the new spine book that we are working on would give your student a nice overview and you could add in the other recommended books for variety. The new book is not as much detail as the Famous Men books, but it would still give a good global look at that time period and could easily be expanded with additional titles without overloading.
Sonya, could you reassure me that the Famous Men books and even the Guerber books are sufficient for high school when I see them used often in middle school programs? I truly trust your judgement. I’d just love to hear your thoughts. 🙂 (the only reason I’m asking is that I own both sets and am deciding on high school for next year)
I think they belong to that class of living books that are interesting to a wide range of ages. The reading level might be somewhere in the middle school grades but the narrative detail and living ideas that are tucked into them rival, and indeed are superior to, a high school textbook on the time period, especially when paired with appropriately challenging primary source documents like those compiled in the Voices of the Renaissance and Reformation.
I am new to this site. I plan on using all of the recommended guides, books, etc. for my upcoming first grader and second grader. We homeschool year round, so I’d be buying everything in April. I am confused, because I don’t want to miss out on the new guides, so can you advise me what to do, please? Thank you for your time!
The guides for Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt, Joshua Through Malachi & Ancient Greece, and Matthew through Acts & Ancient Rome were revised and updated a few years ago. We are now in the process of revising the remaining three guides: Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles, Early Modern & Epistles, and Modern Times, Epistles & Revelation.
Each guide takes 180 days to complete, about one school year. By starting with Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt, it will be about three years before you need the guides that we are working on revising now. We are pushing to have those guides finished sometime this year. So don’t worry, you won’t miss out on them. ?