Saxon math with organizer


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  • momee

    Hi, brand new to CM organizer and looking to schedule math with Saxon 6/5 and 7/6.  I looked through all the math files and didn’t find a resource tied to either of our math books.  If anyone could help I would appreciate it.



    I found that I just had to add in my math as another resource manually in lessons and that is why I love the organizer!  it adjusts to the whole “worked on – finished” thing, making my frustrations less.  I put it in as ______ math and scheduled it as lesson __ so that we aren’t forced into numbers of pages, since some lessons are longer than others.  HTH.

    Melissa Nickel

    I also use Saxon and just entered the ISBN to fill in most of the info.  I took a little time and went through the Table of Contents and filled in each lesson number and its title.  It has been so fantastic to use the organizer for this.  It always tells me where we left off and gives me heads-up on what the lesson is going to be about before I ever open the book.  I took awhile to type it all in, but it has been well worth it.


    And once they have the sharing feature done… we will have less to type in, as resources that people use will be available

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