For Sale: I am selling A LOT


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  • pjssully

    The list of items that I am selling is below.  Shipping is not included, but I will pay 1/2 if you buy more than 2 items.  Please email me if you have any questions about something.  I made notes if there was a concern about the condition of an item.

    Beautiful Feet: Modern American and World History-Intermediate Grades, NEW- $14.00
    Video-Walter Cronkite 20th Century D-Day and Eisenhower’s Return to Normandy-VCR, $2.00
    Story of the World Activity Book Four: The Modern Age, $7.00
    States and Capitals Songs, by Audio Memory Publishing. Just the C.D. $2.00
    Veritas Press Cards c.2007. All 4 levels. LAMINATED $8.00
    Veritas Press Bible Cards c. 2007 $5.00
    Heroes of the Holocaust: True Stories of Rescues by Teens, Scholastic. $2.50
    All American History Volume 2 Teachers Guide and Student text, $18.00
    New World and History, Geography. ABEKA 1992. $2.00
    National Geographic: Our Country’s Presidents (through Bush) $2.00
    Rebuilding a Nation, Cobblestone. Hardback. $3.00
    KONOS: Electing American’s Leaders-Election Unit $2.00
    Memoria Press: 200 Questions About American History. Student and teacher. $3.00
    Early Civilization Egyptian Life, Scholastic. $2.00
    Spielvogels Western Civilization 6th Edition Volume 1 Like New. $6.00
    Spielvogels Western Civilization Study Guide, $3.00
    Thomas Paine: Collected Writings; Common Sense, The Crisis, Rights of Man, The Age of
    Reason. $3.00
    The Light and the Glory, Peter Marshall. $3.00
    The Story of Liberty study guide, $2.00
    Children of the Dust Bowl, Stanly $3.00
    DK History of the World, NEW c.1994 $3.00
    Never Give In: The Best of Winston Churchill Speeches $2.00
    Never Give In, by Stephen Mansfield $2.00
    Joan of Arc, Twain. $2.00
    The Everything American President Book, Kelly. c.2007 $3.00
    Mr President, A Book of U.S. Presidents, Scholastic c. 2013 $4.00
    Our Living Constitution, Dialectic. $6.00
    Progeny press CD-The Hobbit, $3.00, book available also for $4.00
    Escape from Warsaw, well loved but certainly useable $1.50
    Great Book Guides, for the book “1984” c2007. $3.00
    Movie’s as Literature, Kathryn Stout. Teacher Guide and Student Workbook. $10.00
    Anne of Green Gables-Hardback Book $5.00
    Island of the Blue Dolphins $3.00
    The Wind in the Willows-Hardback $5.00
    Shiloh-NEW $3.00
    Onion John, Krumgold (Sonlight ) $3.00
    Julie of the Wolves $3.00
    If You Were a Pioneer on the Prairie, $2.00
    Kid Lawyer, John Grisham (pre-teen or teen book) $2.00
    Artist with a Message: Samuel F.B. Morse, John Tiner $4.00
    Homeless Bird, Whelan. $2.00
    The Invisible Friend, Johnson. NEW $2.00
    Mustang Wild Spirit of the West $1.50
    Catherine Called Birdy $1.00
    Blue Jasmine- former library book. $1.00
    Shadow Spinner, Fletcher $1.00
    Shades of Gray, Reeder $2.00
    Classic Starts, Greek Myths $1.00
    Christian Heroes Then and Now Dietrick Bonhoeffer; In the Midst of Wikedness $3.00
    Number the Stars, $2.00
    Jewish Holidays All Year Round, Cooper. Dialectic $10.00
    Tapestry of Grace books
    A Father’s Promise, Read Aloud, $6.00
    Gandhi: Great Soul, Severance. Dialectic Hardback, $2.00
    A Dream of Freedom, Dialectic Hardback, $7.00
    The World Wars Dialectic, $11.00 (Contains world war 1 and world war 2)
    The Usborne Introduction to the First World War $5.00
    Joseph Stalin Dictator of the Soviet Union, Haugen (O.O.P.) Dialectic- $3.00
    The Good Fight-How World War 2 Was Won, Ambrose. Rhetoric. $8.00
    The Scopes Trial, Graves Cornerstone of Freedom. Dialectic $3.00
    Womens Right to Vote, Landau Cornerstone of Freedom. Dialectic $3.00
    Langston Hughes: Poetry for Young People. Hardback. Dialectic $6.00
    Visit to William Blake’s Inn: Poems for Innocent and Experienced, UG. Hardback $5.00
    Rebuilding a Nation, Cobblestone. (O.O.P) hardback $3.00
    Step Into the Celtic World, Macdonald $4.00
    Usborne Greeks Internet Linked, Dialectic $5.00
    Spend a Day in Ancient Rome, Honon. Dialectic $7.00
    Usborne Romans Internet Linked, Dialectic $5.00
    The Case For Christ, teen version. C2001, $2.00
    When God Weeps, Joni Eareckson Tado, $2.00
    Restless, Jennie Allen, $2.00
    Bible Study for All Ages, Unit 1 Teachers Guide and Binder (small amount of highlighting on a few pages) $4.00
    Adventure Bible; Blue cover bible for young boys. $2.00
    The Power of a Praying Wife, $1.50
    Against His Will, Castleberry. $1.50
    The Daily Bible in Chronological Order 365 Daily Readings NEW $2.00
    The Incomparable Christ, J. Osward Sander $1.50
    Ramsey-Foundations in Personal Finance for Homeschool. Includes videos and 2 Workbooks. 2nd edition. $60.00
    Ramsey Foundations in Personal Finance for Homeschool, Student Workbook, 1st edition, $4.00
    Latin Alive! Teacher Book, Student Book, and Videos. (Teacher’s book is a bit cover worn) $60.00
    In Freedom Cause, Audio Theater- NEW still in plastic, $5.00
    SAT and College Prep. Course for the Christian Student, Enhanced Edition, Stobaugh. NEW $5.00
    Signing at School Sign Language Beginning Series for young children. $1.00
    Bach: Fight for Freedom- Composer Special VHS tape. $1.50
    ?Getting Started with Spanish (cover a bit worn) $8.00
    Thesaurus, Student Thesaurus by Houghton Mifflin. Hardback, $3.00
    Model Airplanes: Wright flyer “First Powered Flight” by Revell. Skill Level 2. Never used and special model glue included. I have 2 at $5.00/piece.
    Homeschoolers College Admissions Handbook, Cohen c.2000 $2.00
    Meet Matisse, Jean Vincent Se’nac. $2.00
    A companion CD to The Young Brahms and Franz Schubert, $3.00
    Biology: High School Biology in Your Home, Bridget Ardion. Student/Teacher book. $25.00
    (a great alternative to the tradition biology textbook program)
    Prentice Hall Biology c2006 $5.00
    Glencoe, Electricity and Electronics Technology c1999. $4.00
    BJU Science 6. Student books, Teacher’s Book Teacher Activity Manual, Test/Answers. (student books rough shape) $15.00
    Holt Earth Science Interactive Reader Study Guide, $2.00
    Holt Science and Technology, Earth Science. Teacher book, c2006. $25.00
    Conceptual Physics, 3rd E. Paul G. Hewitt $3.00
    It Couldn’t Just Happen c.1989. $2.00
    The Usborne Internet Linked Complete Book of Microscope $3.00
    Chang Chemistry, Student Study Guide, 11th edition, $82.00 NEW, sell for $30.00
    Exploring the Night Sky, Dickinson, $3.00
    Conceptual Physics, 7th Edition. Hewitt. $3.00
    Electricity and Electronics Technology, Glencoe c1999 $3.00
    Incredible Creatures the Defy Evolution 1. (watch only 1 time) $4.00
    Robitkits 14 in 1 Educational Solar Robots Model Number OW1-MSK615. NEW $10.00
    Dolciani, pre Algebra c1981, $4.00
    Family Math Middle School Years, New. $5.00
    Horizons Pre Algebra Set. Student book (2), Teacher, and Test book. (lessons 1,2 are filled in) $25.00
    Pre Algebra, Lial 4th Edition, Teacher Book .
    Large Silver weights: 1 lb., 1/2 lb. 1/4 lb. And 6 -1 ounce pieces. $4.00
    Painless Geometry, Barron’s. NEW $4.00
    Key to Percents, Student Workbook 1 and 2. $1.50
    ABEKA Math 5 and 6: Each level: workbook answer keys, tests, quizzes, speed drills,(student and key). $5.00 each

    Vocabulary for the High School Student, workbook $4.00 (Answer key free download)
    Vocabulary for the College Bound Student. Workbook and answer key. One page with one pen mark. $5.00
    501 Writing Prompts from Learning Express, almost new $5.00
    Rod and Staff English 5, Teacher Book $5.00
    The Lost Tools of Writing, 4th Edition, Teacher book, Student book, Videos. $20.00
    The Elegant Essay, Teacher Guide and student book. $10.00
    Mirrors and Windows: Connecting with Literature-Grade 9.Level 4 (Grade 9 ). Student book and Teacher book $20.00
    Spectrum Reading, Grade 6, workbook. $1.00
    Test Prep 6 Harcourt Learning (writing on a few pages, erased) $1.00
    ACT Flash Review, Vocabulary by Learning Express $2.00
    SAT Critical Reading Video Aided Instruction $15.00
    Vocabulary Cartoons, $2.00
    Reading Detective A1, The Critical Thinkng Company (writing on 3 pages, erased ), $2.00
    Writing With Skill Workbook, Susan Wise Bauer. (about 6 pages have been erased). $4.00
    High School Essay Intensive, SAT PREP. by I.E.W. C.D.’s and binder with printed material $20.00
    MCT- Practice Town Teacher Manual, Michael Clay Thompson. $3.00
    MCT Magic Lens Student Book. (List 1 and 2 have been erased, pen mark on list #2) $8.00
    MCT Advanced Academic Writing Student and Teacher $3.00/set
    Sentence Composing for Middle School, Killigallon NEW $10.00
    Write Shop Teacher Manual $5.00 plus shipping
    Study Skills Outlining, Remedia Publiscations $1.00
    Jump In, Watson (about 7 pages erased in student) Student and Teacher book $6.00

    Heart of Dakota-World Geography Guide Books:Living Library (with Kisses from Katie) as a lot: $115.00 plus shipping
    Where Am I, A.G. Smith $6.00
    Wilfred Grenfell Fisher of Men, Benge $5.00
    Florence Young $5.00
    Longitude, David Sobel $8.00
    The Sign Above the Door, Canfield. $9.00
    In the Days of Drake, Fletcher $4.00
    Word to Caesar, Trease $9.00
    Kisses from Katie, Katie Davis $8.00
    ?The Seven Wonders of the Sea, Tagliapietra $3.00
    God Spoke Tibetan, Maberly $6.00
    ??Your Story Hour-Sir Ernest Shackleton -$10.00
    The Captive, The Lamplighter4 Theatre $15.00
    Around the World in 80 Days 2.00
    Mystery in Frozen Lands $6.00
    Herodotus and the Road to History $7.00
    A Silk Road Pilgrimage $8.00
    Big John’s Secret $7.00
    The King’s Fifth $3.00

    Other HOD Titles:
    World Religions- Gerald R. Dermott $5.00
    The Invisible Friend, Johnson. NEW $2.00
    Mustang Wild Spirit of the West $1.50


    Is the Your Story Hour CD the whole album set of 6 CDs?

    I’m interested in that.


    I would like The Lost Tools of Writing set ($20), The Elegant Essay set ($10), Vocabulary for the High School Student ($4), Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student ($5).

    You can email me at smartypants 0205 @ charter . net (remove the spaces!)




    Please let me know if the Veritas Press laminated card set and bible cards set is available. I would like them.


    Hello.  I am no longer interested in ALL the items I requested above.

    I would like the Elegant Essay only.

    Please reply at your earliest convenience.



    On second thought, nevermind on any of the items. I will purchase Elegant Essay at my local homeschool store…wanting to start this immediately.

    Sorry for any confusion.



    Story of the World Activity Book Four: The Modern Age, $7.00

    I would like to purchase this. Let me know how much is shipping. my zipcode is 33157, regular mail is fine. Thank you!


    Sorry to all that I haven’t replied to your posts….I wasn’t aware that the my post was up!

    Please feel free to email me at the address below with any questions



    Shipping is a bit more than $3.50, but I will charge $3.00 if you are interested.  I can take check or paypal



    The Story Hour has sold.



    Sent you an email re the living library set v


    Hi, I was wondering if IEW highschool intensive and Elegent Essay is still avaliable?  I am very interested!

    Thank you, Stacey

    Salina Fedrick

    I sent you an email pjssully. I would like to purchase Heroes of the Holocaust: True Stories of Rescues by Teens, Scholastic. $2.50, and Bonhoeffer; In the Midst of Wikedness $3.00 if they are still available.


    Hi, Do you still have the Lost Tools of Writing Teacher Guide, Student Workbook and DVD’s for $20 still available?  Please let me know.  thanks!


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