?'s Learning Language Art through Literature

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    Is there anyone out there that has tackled “Learning Language Art through Literature” , I have 3 schooled age children and need some input on how beneficial or not this particular curriculum would be. . .  ages are 10, 8, 7.?


    We have just newly moved ‘again’Foot in mouth  , so I need something that will combine some subjects such as Grammar, Spelling, Vocab, etc. . .  in a form that will tell me what to do and I can do it.  They did textbook English last year and I am looking to get more CM feel to English and Grammar.  Any advice would be helpful. . .  thank you!!!

    I used LLATL for a while and then went textbook (blech). I just bought all three levels of Serl’s Intermediate Language Lessons from Livng Books Curriculum because it is CM, but in workbook form. We love Queen’s Language Lessons too, but thought we’d try this now since I have kids in all three levels at the moment, and then go back to Queen’s. Outside of this we just read our lovely, living books.

    I know how you feel about combining, it is so much easier on the mind.  Hopefully, we can find something to fit the bill. I know lots of people love LLATL. It wouldn’t hurt to try it.


    We have used LLATL beginning with the blue all the way through green and a little of grey(finishing that this year).  For our family it has been a good fit. Last year I also purchased a grammar book for my 13 year old and he knew the basics of everything in the book just from LLATL over the years.  But this book went a little deeper and so it was good to tackle that.  The part that I didn’t feel competent in was writing compositions and I didn’t feel there was enough instruction for me in the LLATL  so we do use a writing program now too.  I bought the Intermediate Language Lessons to try it out and I desired more instruction as the teacher.  I hear now they have a teacher guide and workbooks so it may be better.  LLATL  is more of an open and go each day.  It is separated into 5 days but you can combine two easier days if you wanted 4 day weeks. It is not for everyone but we liked it.  We did use the older version for the first couple of years in LLATL so we didn’t have the workbook.





    We too have used this program from the beginning.  My daughter this year will be in the green book and my son will be in the oarnge one.  It has worked great for us.  I did try to change to Simply Charlotte Mason with much protest from my children that we went straight back to LLATL.  I do believe that this program builds on itself and that it is best not to count it out to early.  For “extra” writing I add in CM ideas.  My daughter is required to do written narration at least once a week if not twice.  They both work on their dictation or I add in copywork more then what is required in the book.  This helps them with their handwriting.  That is all though.




    Thank you all so much for your advice and insight!!!


    Question for fivestones:   What did you mean when you said” it is best not to count it out to early”?   My oldest is 10 so is it too late to start her on it?


    Have a great day!


    No, it is not to late to start!  I am sorry if that was confusing 🙂  What I mean is that is teaches in bite size pieces, then revisits it later.  Like a spiral effect, where it comes back later.  I believe you can start anytime because of the way it does revisit things, as a matter of fact one of my children skipped a book and moved to the next year with no problem.  Sorry to be confusing 🙂




    P.S. By the way, In my original post I meant Simply Grammer, not SCM Embarassed  I must of needed more sleep



    Thank you Vanessa! 

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