We will be doing Transition Lessons and D. This is what I already have. Rainbow Fraction Tiles though I don’t know how to use them. I have all wooden Centimeter Cubes, 9 hundreds board, 1 1,000 cube. Do we still need the 100 cube board paper? We don’t need to cover clock because they already know how to tell time, so we don’t need the clock I don’t think?. We have a basic calculator that I got from Learning Resources a long time ago. They have a paper route each and they already know about money. They are 12 & 14 and just need to review and understand well the concepts for mastery and learn the why’s of everything and new concepts above Multip. and their tables. They will need to learn percents and division but I guess RS Geometry will cover that?
Do I need the math Balance, they need to learn weights and measures, place Value Cards which they need to see the whys…they have covered this in Prof. B quite a bit and can read them up to trillions etc. but needs more understanding, Fraction Charts, and Centimeter Cubes paper? Do we need the DVD math games to see how to do the 14 games? I need the Trans.lessons & worksheets and D ones….for sure.
Do we need math Card Games? Multipl. Games? Fraction Puzzle Board Corner Games, Fraction Games, Fraction Magnet?, Fraction Chart?
With all of this info. do I really need to get the whole D starter kit?
took a very quick glance…do ck this info for self…been up since 3am and things are starting to blur…:-)
starter level does not include balance—but does include the transition books…so you wouldn’t need them separate…if teaching more than one child will need one more abacus
starter level costs 180
balance costs 20
that is 200
deluxe kit includes balance and other stuff and is 220…so is the other stuff worth 20…? that was very quick and shallow analysis…if have more detail question…maybe tomorrow?
i do recommend the math games and i think the kit comes with it.
Yes…I wondered if I should just get the transition and D sheets and worksheets and then with my other things I mentioned do I need the other items the I mentioned above? I mentioned the items that are in the kit and that I already have if they can be used.
I don’t have a 4in1 ruler…for mine doesn’t show 10th’s I don’t think or Centimeters. It shows Millimeters. Centimeters are smaller right?
I asked RS what I needed and they just said the Starter Kit but then afterward I started looking at everything that I have and wondered if I could just get some things with the Sheets? Maybe I should just give them a call when they open on Mon. morning. I was going to order right away but you need to rest for your little ones.
No idea about the kits or most of your questions….
millimeters are smaller than centimeters. millimeters are about the thickness of a dime. centimeters are very roughly about 1/2 an inch. (there are 2.4cm in an inch).
Metric is all based on 10….
Just to get you started, a meter is about the same as a yard. (not exactly, but to give you a frame of reference.)
1/10 of a meter is a decimeter…. not used often.
1/100 of a meter is a centimeter
1/1000 of a meter is a millimeter
and going the other way…
10 meters is a decameter… not used often
100 meters is a hectameter… never never used. (I had to think hard.)
Just a bit more on metric, if you are interested….
the same idea is used with other measurements….
litres are used to measure volume (ie, liquid measurements, etc)
grams are used to measure mass (weight)
the same prefexes are used…..
(there are also more prefexes… but you get the idea)
We have fun in Canada, as we are metric…. but a lot of things aren’t. So we masure a lot of things in kilograms…. but at the store the price is often listed per pound (it looks cheaper as a pound is ~1/2 a kg), and we weigh ourselves in pounds. Then we measure things in litres and mililiters…. but most of our recipies use cups, etc.
so we kind of end up using a mixmash of systems.
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