RS &Something else for review& CM math

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  • Okay, I have decided to use RS hands on concepts.  Would I use this completely or are others using more review to go with it? I thought the “games” were the concepts & review? Are you all using RS with a “programmed” instruction at the same time? If so, why? I thought RS is complete in itself?

    Is anyone using RS with Systematic, Math Mammonth, Key To Bks. for review?I thought RS had enough review?

    I thought that CM math wasn’t rote memory but through “stories” and Key To bks. are they stories? Systematic math is it really CM? I can see…orally and written coming up with answers to story problems to learn “facts”.

    I have older children and I need to come up with a plan as soon as possible so I can go on with picking out other materials since we are new to CM.



    Richele Baburina

    Hi Cyndi,

    There are some things you can do to make your chosen curricula CM-friendly.  Some things that come to mind are short lessons (depending on age), concrete facts taught before moving to abstract concepts (ie start with the concrete and move to the abstract then you can move back to concrete when introducing something new), counting wrong answers as wrong to promote accuracy, mental problems made up by both you and your children, helping them see that these are laws held together by G-d and not merely man-made rules, and living books which help ideas catch hold (ie there were/and are real problems to be solved and it is exciting to find the answer).  Books such as Archimedes and the Door of Science can make math just as exciting as Boy of the Pyramids makes history living.  Hoping that helps.





    I’m sorry that I’ve been offline.  My chaos at home overtook me.  I have a moment right now and maybe more later?!?

    Systematic Mathematics and Key To Books are not CM in regard to living books, stories, etc.

    They are CM in regard to mastery!  You decide the length of time spent daily–for younger children it is 10-15min…I think it goes up a bit as they get older.

    I recommended Systematic Mathematics and Key To Books for help with “holes”.  Find a basic skill that is lacking and go back and fill it in!  I do not recommend them for “review.”

    RS should have plenty of review and it builds on itself as all math should.  RS is a complete program though I agree with Richele that adding living books like she suggested is wonderful…thank you for those Richele.  There was a story I still remember called Flatland about two dimensional people which would be good for maybe when studying Geometry.  Since you are not starting in Level A or B of RS you will need to do the Transition Lessons FIRST and then keep going with the level you chose, I am stretching my memory…did you say E?  Yes, the games are the review.  And a lot of students LOVE them…they are well thought out and fun.

    Math is Math Cyndi.  Math can be enhanced and enlivened with stories…and it can be truly made to come alive with manipulatives and discovery, but stories alone are not going to teach math facts or problem solving.  Math involves work and sometimes hard work to make our brain wrap around something new…we as humans seem to resist that.  I don’t believe from what I have read (others correct me if I am wrong) that CM was recommending just stories and no real mastery in math.  She seems to me to be clear in teaching the basics solidly and not moving on without mastery.

    gotta run.

    does this answer the questions for you cyndi?




    Okay, we are going to start with B and begin simple and go through quickly as they master it or understand it completely. Somehow I need to get the up to speed. They are 12 and 14. 30min. 2 X a day work up to?

    I had heard that the Transition past E (F&G) & or Geometry has some “bugs” to work out and the lady from RS told me that it would be better to go to Video Text Alg. after E because of their age but this will take some time.

    1. RS-Discovery using Nanipulatives & Stories to enliven it. When you say stories, do you mean like Word Problems that they often use and what would be the “difference”.

    2. Key To & Systematic Math- Holes or Gaps they don’t understand to fill in.  Would Rays or Math Mammonth  be used like Key To’s? How are Key To’s different and why you like them over Rays. Have you seen Math Mammonth?

    Thanks so much for your precious help.




    Cyndi,  what is making you start at level B?  RS also has somthing called transition lessons that might work.  Also on their website they have a short beginning level questionairre that might help…you do the transition lessons and then move into c, d, or e…depending.  I’m not saying you can’t start w b…or even that you shouldn’t –this will be a very personal decision.  if you start w b you would buy the whole level b and then buy the b to c add on…if you use transition level…you would purchase it AND the full level you are entering…either c,d, or e.

    you can use ANYTHING to fill in gaps…but the key to books are kind of nice in that the are wriitten with very clear short cartoon like directions at the top of the page…with probs under.

    cyndi, if you start in level b and master the material…you shouldn’t have gaps!

    God give you strength and wisdom,



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