Royal wedding poll….

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  • Watching now on BBC America of course! 🙂 Wouldn’t miss it!  Since we don’t have antennae/satellite, I’ve imposed on me mum to watch, ha!


    Lovely, just lovely!


    Good thing I checked the “schedule” last night, so we officially slept in until 5:30 a.m., our time.  We tuned in just in time to see Prince Charles & Camilla arrive at the church, then Queen Elizabeth & Prince Philip.  My 13yo dd watched everything and now wants to watch a dvd.  Um, it’s still a school day….10yo dd fell asleep on the couch, and 11yo ds didn’t bother to come downstairs to watch at all, just stayed asleep.

    So, we’ve seen the ceremony, the carriage procession, the kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace….and I’m ready for a nap!  (That’s what I get for staying up ’til midnight last night!)

    All in all, it was lovely and fun to watch.

    Got up and watched the whole thing – I am extremely proud of my country today – it was a beautiful wedding, huge crowds perfectly behaved, magnificent pomp and ceremony and the Royal Family now have a young couple who will be a huge aaset for the future.  Made me very homesick, but I loved every minute – the bride looked amazing, and absolutely beautiful McQueen dress and of course I shed tears, of pride and joy.  Linda


    I watched it and our children came drifiting down between 6 and 7 and watched the pomp and circumstance! Our DD especially loved seeing the “beautiful princess!”

    I agree missingtheshire it is history in the making! It actually spurred a lot of questions about the monarchy from our older boys, which was an impromptu educational moment.

    I remember watching Charles and Diana’s wedding as a girl myself with my Mom and sister.

    BTW, no one can do royalty like the British! Wow, what a ROYAL day! Just beautiful. And very timeless.

    The nice thing about her dress is that it is a timeless design – even 50 years from now it will look stylish, whereas Diana’s dress was just too fussy and was going to look dated in later years which it does.  She ended up hating her entire outfit, and did not like seeing herself in it.  These two will go the distance I am sure.  Linda


    I agree with everyone else! It was so beautiful! As much as I love America, I’ll admit it made me want to be British! I just loved the traditional, ceremonial things that made it so special. For my husband and I, it was our first royal wedding. He was a babe and I hadn’t been born when Charles and Diana wed and I had only seen pictures. This was just lovely!

    Britney, I am glad you enjoyed it – it was lovely and it is even more magical if you can be there – the sounds and sights and atmosphere are so much better in person – however for an overall view of the whole thing you cannot beat the TV.  In London on the day it is hard to move around, you find your place and you have to stay there and sometimes you see virtually nothing – but I still like the atmosphere.  Now I really hope to see them have some peace and be allowed to grow into their future roles.  Linda


    I loved that they seemed to enjoy each other.  What a sweet couple they made.  HRH, Duchess of Cambridge was pure elegance and grace.  I woke up early before I had to be back at the airport in Seattle to watch it, and I am so glad i did.  Worth every sleep-deprived moment!


    Shows you what I know…I didn’t even know there was a royal wedding!


    Well, Robin, I didn’t pay much attention to it until just this week.  I kept seeing so many “half-truths,” “un-truths,” and sensational headlines on those rags at the grocery checkout that I didn’t realize it was this week until my daughter mentioned it.  I kept telling her it was on Saturday morning–good thing I had the foresight to look it up mid-week, or we would have missed the whole thing!


    I had to chime in here (wedding bells lol) and say I was one who got up early in 1981 to watch that royal wedding too.  Fast forward to 2011, I “just happened to be up at 5 am”, came to SCM, saw this post as a reminder and watched William and Kate’s wedding.  My daughter woke up too!  So, we had a grand mother/daughter time watching from the first arrival until the happy couple took their carriage ride from the church.  Both of us fell asleep!  It was a beautiful ceremony. They are a lovely couple; her dress was classically elegant.  DDalmost10 🙂 asked many questions, enjoyed the romantic, fairytale side of it, along with the historical aspect.  I agree it was history in the making and a special event for us to share together. 

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