Okay, I admit it….back in 1981, I got up at 4 a.m. just to watch the royal wedding of Charles and Diana. So, I should not be surprised that my 13yo dd wants to me to get up tomorrow at 4 a.m. to watch William’s and Kate’s royal wedding.
Silly question time: do any of you plan to watch the royal wedding? Just curious!
I am from England – so of course I will be up at 3:15 am and I will have my tea ready, and I will watch the whole thing. I have printed the order of service already – I love all the music they have chosen, and the hymns are 3 of my very favourites. I am not ashamed to admit I love our monarchy – warts and all – I just wish I could be in London for the event like I was for the last big wedding. I have baked little cakes and we will have a celbratory tea, I have my Union Jack flag ready to wave, and I expect I will shed a tear. No offence to anyone here, but no-one does pomp and ceremony like we do in England and it is my future King – and it is my countries history in the making. I am fond of this country but I will never give up my British Citizenhip and so I remain a faithful subject to our Queen – it is a huge event for me. I don’t blame anyone if they don’t want to get up at that hour – but for me it is something I would not miss. Linda
I also woke up early to watch the wedding in 1981. My two children and I will be watching tomorrow’s wedding as well, though other than the wedding, I don’t pay much attention to the royals; but watching a piece of historical pomp and circumstance doesn’t happen very often. I think this one is especially historic considering the Middleton’s “commoner” status and obviously Prince William’s heir status, too.
However, thanks to DVR; I won’t have to get up at 4am this time!
I am a big fan of the Royals as well and plan to watch it, dvr of course:) I just love the fairytale, pomp and circumstance, etc. I was a big fan of Diana and cried when she passed away; to me it was so sad.
I’ve been trying to get my kids into Tea Time (I really don’t like tea) cause it sounds so relaxing and special. Anyone have a good recipe and cakes/cookies you eat with tea??
I will certainly be watching with my daughters although probably not at 4am :o) I have little Union Jack buttons for the girls to wear, we will be adding the flag to our flag studies above the world map, and of course making scones to enjoy with lemon curd and our pot of tea while we watch :o)
Linda, I knew you would be watching it! You’re so right about the pomp and circumstance, and I was thinking about a way to work this into the rest of our school day, so a tea would be so fun.
Oh, yes, us too. I only have boys but a little history, geo and tea will be fun. I just showed my middle boy Prince Charles and Lady Diana’s wedding in ’81 and he thought that was so neat. And, he thought it was sad that she would not be there for Prince William’s wedding. He asked if all of England were there to see Prince Charles and Lady Diana…I said, well, ya, in the streets and everywhere watching for them. I think all of it is fascinating.
We doubled up on school today so we have nothing to do tomorrow except watch tv! We are doing dvr though, I am NOT a morning person! We have a British section at our grocery store so we bought drinking chocolate and Digestive biscuits (groom’s cake is said to have these as part of it) for breakfast and Spaghetti Loops (Spaghetti Oh’s from the UK) for lunch. We are going to wear our princess dress up clothes with tiara’s over our pj’s and enjoy a wonderful day. My husband is pretty sure we are nuts! I think it is a great cultural event and have been learning a lot about the UK in the last week with some great historical tv shows. But to be honest I am most excited by the fashion!
How can we not? I have a book about the Royal’s Jewels that our oldest has looked at: it shows the pieces and gives their history, really cool. She saw a picture of Kate with the wedding ring on in a magazine the other day and came running out to check Diana’s hand to tell me that it was the same ring. =) History, geography, beautiful fairy tale stuff, in a house with 4 girls? My hubby thinks I’m nuts too! =)