Rosetta Stone Home school

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  • ima2

    Hello Ladies!


    Has anyone used the homeschool version of Rosetta Stone? And if so could you tell me what it was like and what you enjoy or dislike about it? Thanks!


    We tried the Latin American Spanish and found it frustrating. Even on the most forgiving settings, it would not accept our pronunciation. Even my Mexican brother in law couldn’t make it work. I’m not sure about other languages, but I can’t recommend this one. 


    I agree although we do use the German one – it is a great program but the software is not good on the pronunciations, they have to be said just so for it to work. As a German speaker, I am able to get it to accept the way I say the word, but sometimes it frustrates the girls. What I do is have them say it to me, then I accept that or correct it….Tell Me More had better pronunciation – we have both programs, but overall the girls like RS better…..they have done well, but I know exactly what Christie is saying, and if I could not make it understand me, then it would not work so well. Linda


    My son used it for German, and though he did have to repeat himself often, imo it was a great program and he enjoyed it.

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