So I really want to visit my parents and the rest of my family that live 17 hours from us. That is a 2 day at least, 3 day for sanity trip. Would you do this just you and your kids? Is this safe? I mean I don’t have a teenaged son or anything the oldest is 8.
Also if I figured a way to go I just wasn’t sure if I should really spend the money you know. I could save for a grain mill or for buying some useful groceries in bulk.
I haven’t seen them in 2 years, but really is that really important? I already missed my grandfather dying and my other grandparents, mainly my grandpa are not in good shape. They have only met 3 of my children, 2 of which were too young to remember.
I just want to make the “right” decision. You know the one I won’t regret.
Hubby understands me wanting to see them as my family is very close, he also knows that we could save that money for groceries and such. He said he doesn’t care what I decide and offered no help but just understood both sides of it.
Any Bible verses or wisdom you could offer would really help!
I don’t have any wisdom! LOL! But I say GO! If you are not in any financial hardship, then go!
I haven’t traveled that far w/ kids..but have traveled approx 4-5 hrs. Not far..but if I had to travel long distance I would get a hotel..not a motel due to entrance available from the outside. And I would stay in one that is a heavily populated area. I usually do a hotel review…look up say Hampton Inn in Atlanta and the address on can get some reviews..a lot of people will put if they feel the area was unsafe.
Also, cell phone handy in case of emergency. Lock your doors and don’t stop in any dark areas ..even if pulled over by police…I am sure you already know these things. I am always aware of my surroundings when traveling alone. If you have a car alarm key chain ..have it handy when going to car..if you see someone approaching then sound it off. The boys and I get in before dark staying in a hotel. Grab takeout and go to the hotel and stay there. Make sure car is in good shape full, full gastank, oil change etc. No worries about having car braking down.
Take lots of books and audio books if possible. Take lots of breaks so noone will get tired and cranky! And if you have a portable dvd player this is the time to use it! Hey, it works! Doesn’t mean you have to show junk! If not, borrow one! 🙂
The reason I say go is because I have lost both my mother and father. And I would travel across country if I could to see them again! If you are close, those relationships are important. But if you are financially inable or it is going to put a strain on you then don’t. Your kids will make some great memories! And you will be able to fill that void of wanting to see family.
It is great that your hubby is on board! And I know what you mean about wanting a definite answer from him. My hubby generally goes along w/ my requests!
Sorry that I don’t have any Bible verses. My main concern would be financial hardship.
I also lost both of my parents, and I would love to be able to visit them again. My sister didn’t visit my parents much when they were alive, and she regrets it now (also, her kids are college age now and I wonder if she ever thinks that maybe her kids will move away and not visit her).
Life gets busy, and there will always be groceries that need buying, but good relationships are precious.
I say go for it! My kids and I love road trips! A couple years ago we drove to Cincinatti, OH from south Louisiana (about 14 hours). I did have a friend to stay with halfway, but I have also gotten hotel rooms. A few weeks ago, we drove as a family to Sarasota, FL (again, about 14 hours). After a family vacation, my hubby flew home to work and the kids and I meandered our way home, stopping at another friend’s house for one night and a hotel for another. I actually took them canoeing for the FIRST time ever (for all of us!). It was a blast.
I would take the opportunity to visit family…relationships are so precious, more so as I find more older relatives passing away. I think it would be awesome for your children to meet and form a relationship with grandparents.
I would be sure to have a cell phone. For me a gps is my biggest sanity saver, but could do with out if you don’t have one or can’t borrow one from a friend. I’ve felt pretty safe. I was thinking of getting AAA roadside assistance for this one, but didn’t get around to it. It’s actually pretty reasonable (about $70 for a year if I remember right).
Things to do: Books and audiobooks are great. Magnadoodles are amazing for travel. Use metal baking sheets for magnetic alphabet stuff and also helpful for coloring and keeping crayons in one place.
Eating adds up, so I try to pack lunch for the first day on the road (usually cheese and crackers and maybe ham, fruit). I’ve also been doing better at buying snacks like nuts and fruit and cheese for the trip and lots of water bottles!
I think I’m getting excited for you, just love adventures!
A grain mill will always be available, but your parents won’t be in this life. If it won’t kill the budget, build some fun family memories! You won’t regret it.
I have traveled across country by myself with my kids. =) It is fun! Plan for lots of breaks and munchies… =) I alos get little suprises at the dollar store to take and when we look like we might lose it, I pull them out. If you can find a museum or something fun like a zoo on the way, stop. My kids love to stop at the motel/hotel thing. They feel so special even if it is a “cheaper” room.
Take the time to make the memories…after all, it is not something you will do all the time.
I say go. If your dh is on board and as you said, ‘I really want to visit my parents’, then I think you should go. Also, if it is not going bankrupt your family and just not give you the chance to buy the grain mill, then I say go.
You don’t want to live with the regrets that are surely to come, then I would go.
I too say go, both of my parents died in recent years in the UK, I was unable to be there as they were both sudden and unexpected within few years of each other. Due to Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath I was unable to go until things had settled a bit, and before I could get there my mother died – I was therefore very glad that the year before dad died we went over for two week stay and did all kinds of things with him. It cost a lot, but you cannot put a price on memories made – I would have not done it if it had put us in real hardship, but all it meant was not being able to buy new things for a while, and that was worth it. I also think if you plan carefully it can be a very safe trip. If you are staying overnight somewhere, make sure it is a hotel in a good neighborhood and don’t be out alone after dark – at least that would be me. Enjoy, and make those memories special – the grain mill can wait – and you will bring such joy to your parents. Hugs – Linda
True enough…the mill will be there family may not.
We will not eat out at all, I will make muffins and such and bring stuff for PB&J and some pasta type stuff for dinner. I am just worried 4 nights in a hotel (2 there and 2 back) and gas is going to get too expensive.
We pay our bills fine, but don’t have much left over. Plus we haven’t been paid back for our move yet! I am sure I can make it work and wait for a mill until taxes come next year!
Go go go go…the WORST thing is living with regret later. You don’t ever want to have to say ” I could have but I didn’t” unless you can’t afford it or things like hurricanes get in the way! My dad lived only 2 hours from us, we were close and when he fell ill he chose not to tell anyone til he was very close to gone. We only had a few days with him and that was only because his neighbour called and said there was something up. You can never predict how others will behave in any situation, you can only do what you can do.I always assumed he would call if he needed me, but assumptions can be wrong- he figured he was saving us ‘trouble’! As if….anhow, You will never regret it and the journey could be fun! Get some audio tapes from the library to listen too on the way and go to or some other group site and see if the places you are going have any coupons for hotels/motels..also, I have travelled with my young ones alone many times and sometimes, sometimes, you can even find a good family movie that can be shown in the hotel room – my kids LOVE that..also some have pools and that can be an adventure.. youwill have so many good memories- don’t forget the camera:)
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