Rightstart Original program

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math Rightstart Original program

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  • Hi,  Has anyone used Activities for the AL Abacus and Worksheets for the AL Abacus?  I really want to incorporate RS methods but do not want to change math programs.  I want them to use an Abacus and learn their facts the “RS” way.  Do you think it would work to use the “original” program along w/ another program mainly for them to “understand” the math facts?


    Kim (homeschooling mom of 7)


    I’m also wondering how to incorporate RS methods into what we’ve already got, without having to buy the whole program.  I have their abacus, though and we love it.  When my dd6 does math problems she can see right away what the answer is.  The way the colors are grouped into 5 is very helpful!

    I think what you suggested would work well (based on my limited experience) :).  I’m sure others who actually use the whole RS program could answer your question more thoroughly.


    Hi all – we do use Right Start.  I think you could incorporate the math games and abacus into your daily schooling without using the rest of the program.

    Here is a link to the math card games set.  The book is very substantial.


    In the program they tell you which games are appropriate for the lessons, but that really isn’t necessary – you can just choose the skill you want to reinforce.  

    It would be worth just buying the decks of cards instead of trying to make your own – it would take forever!  And they are pretty nice quality laminated card stock, for the most part.

    The other manipulative we love is the math balance.  For math play value – I have never seen anything like it.  Every visitor to our house has handled this thing – adults and children alike.  It is awesome!

    I read recently that games are to math instruction what reading books is to phonics instruction.  I guess that goes along with what I have found over the years – usage is superior to drill.  

    Good luck!  I sometimes wish RS had instructional dvds like mathusee – teaching it makes me tired, and I wish I could put that responsibility off onto someone else. I imagine learning it is just as (mentally) tiring as teaching it, so I guess we, me and the kids, that is, are all in this together.


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