Rightstart Math Level B – Are we too far behind for 3rd grade

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    Before I discovered SCM, I had decided to do RightStart Math!  It has been great, but we ordered Level B!  So, my son who is completing his 2nd grade year is just about to finish Level B.  I notice SCM recommends to start with Level B for 1st grade, so most 2nd graders would be in Level C.  My son will not be in Level C until 3rd grade!  We do move a his pace, but I was just wondering if this really means we are behind?  Level B covers addition and subtraction, fractions, geometric shapes, measurement and introduces multiplication and division concepts toward the very end, but he really  hasn’t done any multiplication and division!  I realize every child is different, but I was curious if this is a big deal?  As I think about the big picture, I just want to make sure we don’t get too far behind!  Also in addition, I can see why SCM recommends starting with Level B!  We have Level A for our younger daughter as well (Kindergarten) and I don’t feel Level A is necessary for most kiddos!  Would appreciate any feedback!


    My son was in the middle part of RS level C when I moved him to CLE Sunrise math, placing at level 306, which is in the middle of their 3rd grade math.  Continue to go at your son’s pace, aiming for a good understanding.  Do the math games too.  We also used xtramath.org for math facts and now do the CLE drill sheets.  RS has timed drills too.  These are important for quick recall of facts they need later in math.


    That makes me feel a little bit better!  Thanks so much!  We love RightStart and once I realized we were behind, I have this urge to move faster and then at the same time telling myself to just continue to steadily move at his pace!  Thanks so much 🙂

    michelle mccamish

    My son is in level C and he is in third. We switched Math programs so he started B in 2nd grade. If they finish C in 3rd, they should still be on track to do level E in 5th grade.


    That is really great to know!  Thanks so much ccmommy3!



    We are in a similar boat at my house. My daughter is just over 1/3 through RS B and she technically just finished 2nd grade. She was in Singapore math 2a and just got really stuck. I had ordered the RS B for my son a few years earlier, so I pulled out my teacher’s guide and she’s been doing RS B ever since. I have her working on short lessons throughout the summer as well, so my plan is that she will be finishing up RS C at the end of her third grade year. I actually called RS to ask them specifically about where to place her so she wouldn’t be too far behind, and they said she would be fine on the schedule I mentioned above. So I think your kiddo, who is ahead of mine, would also be just fine!


    You know, it’s funny!  We loved RightStart and right after this message we really started to have problems with addition with carrying (regrouping).  I had ordered the Strayor Upton book and pulled it out in a moment of frustration and said, okay, lets try something else!  He totally go it!  When I brought back the manipulatives, he said it confused him.  So…. we are now doing Strayor Upton, which is refreshingly simple!   I enjoyed RightStart and the kids still ask for the games!  But as far as Math teaching, we just sit down with the Strayor Upton book and so far, everything is clear as mud 🙂  I’m sure we are a little behind, but we just move at his pace!



    Same here! We are finishing second grade and Level B. I don’t sweat it.  My daughter was not ready to go any faster. She has an excellent understanding of everything we have done so far so I don’t let it bother me. 🙂 Level C in 3rd grade is where we will be in August.

    Alicia Hart

    My son did level B in second grade.  Once he got to 3rd grade I panicked and put him in a different curriculum.  I wish I had not done that!  He was doing fine with RS but since the scope and sequence was different than some other programs, I got insecure.  My husband does not want us to switch back now, which I understand because you can only switch math curriculums so many times.  That is just our experience.  Praying for God’s guidance for you.


    My son had trouble with regrouping too.  I just showed him the way I learned it and we spent extra time practicing it before we moved on with RS.  So it is fine to supplement and teach the child, not the curriculum.

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