Any long time right start users out there care to tell me what they liked or didn’t like about it? Did you supplement?
How about RS1 vs RS2?
How did you do going into prealgebra?
If you stopped early were you behind or ahead in which other program?
We are using A and really like it so far but sometimes I worry that it isn’t good enough….think traditional enough. I don’t want any “new math” or “fuzzy” math or anything like the “common core” every day mathematics. I do want solid conceptual understanding and procedural ability. I also do like the spiral. It is just different so it worries me. My son seems to be doing very well with it but how do you know?
As I understand it, new math is fuzzy on exact answers and uses strange ways to get an answer sometimes. Right Start doesn’t do either. It is solid in my opinion.
My number one recommendation is to not worry about much later down the road, but just pick a curriculum that works for you and your child and stick with it for several years. Consistency usually pays off more than finding an elementary level curriculum that aligns with higher math.
I have used RightStart with all of my kids. My oldest is in Pre-Algebra this year and is doing fine. RightStart gave them a wonderful foundation for continuing math. They are all very active boys and we liked how there were fewer worksheets in Levels A and B then increased as the kids developed the coordination and attention span to do more work.
Oldest son– did Level B 1st grade, C in 2nd grade, D in 3rd grade, then switched to an online school for 4th grade where he immediately tested at a 5th grade math level thanks to RightStart. Now for 6th grade he is using Saxon Algebra 1/2 at home and is doing great.
Middle son– Level A preschool, B in 1st, C in 2nd, D in 3rd, then switched to a different school where he also tested very high in math in 4th grade
Definitely go with RS2 instead of the old RS1! It is laid out much better and has some extra elements that I really appreciated. I used RS1 with my older two kids but needed to switch to RS2 with my third. It is great!
We have used RS2 Levels A and B and are currently in C. We enjoy it! We took about 14 months (year round school) to work through A. We would work through for 4 months and then spend a month playing games and review. My DS was not quite 5 when he started, so slowing down and playing were important. We started B and expected to take 15 months, but after 10 months put the lessons aside and used a Star Wars workbook and the RS games for the next 4 months. Then we went back and finished up B in 4 months. That change was just what my son needed and has an enthusiasm for math he hadn’t before. When we opened C in September he was excited because he wants to learn multiplication and division. So now we need to supplement with more advanced mult., div., and fraction games!
I would stick with RS and don’t be afraid to adjust the pace as needed. I was reassured by other moms here that we have 9 years to do up to 7 levels, so there is time to slow down, supplement or suspend.