Right Start Math Users! New vs.old edition!

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  • caycecronk

    My son is finishing up Right Start math level B and will be moving into c soon! We have used the old editions for A and B and from what I can tell by after watching the videos on there website it’s alot easier moving from first edition A to new edition B than it is moving from old B to New C. Anyone still set on using the old editions of Right Start Math? My son is doing so well with his math with this program Im afraid to use the new Editions but I want to make sure he is getting what he needs and will meet standards. Is the old editions of Right Start math still pretty much ahead of most math used i public school including the new common core standards! What has been your experience?!


    My kids are in levels B and D and D, with another going to start level A in a year or two.  We are using Edition 1.

    The first edition tends to be ahead of public school and mostly exceeds common core.  

    On the yahoo group, about the only concerns I’ve heard about edition 1 is that some feel level E doesn’t have enough long division or fractional math.   Dr. Cotter has explained the light touch on long division.  And apparently the fractional math is covered well if you play the games more.

    We personally found (with my oldest 2) that Level C seemed to take forever…. it was our level that took a year and a half (which it seems common in families that ONE level will take about that long… which varies….)  Level D is going much better for us.  But my kids enjoy it most of the time.  

    Some kids really enjoy the drawing lessons in Level C and some don’t.   Mine did.

    hope that helps some!



    Thank you! Yeah I heard its a lot harder to switch to the new edition once you are in level b so I think we will stick with the old editions. I guess we could always supplement in level D if the math is not strong enough! Love this program although it takes forever to get through one book and to do the games. I would like to stick to it! It’s taught me as well!


    Old edition for me too because that is what we have been workng with and own. I am planning to do RS geometry too and that book is student led not teacher led this next year. Yea! My son is finally done level E and is finishing out the year with Sport Store math put out by SCM. It does take awhile to complete as my son found book E a struggle in the middle just like level B can have for some.




    It’s good to see others doing well With this math too! Level b is taking us forever to finish. We are tonna work hard to have it finished by the end of summer. Already feeling like we are behind.


    Well, from being on the Yahoo group… it seems that most families find 1 (or 2) of the levels ‘long’ and hard…. but it isn’t the same from family to family!

    We found Level B fairly easy to do in about a year.   My oldest 2 (together) did it in a school year.  My third child is doing it now and it will be more like a caldendar year as I believe she started April or Mayish of last year, and we aren’t done yet.  But she is only 5, so I’m in no rush.  (My oldest 2 was 8 and 6 when they did it…)


    – but Level C for my oldest 2 (working together) took a year and a half.  Level D is going better for them though.  They only started it in February, so I will see if it is done by next February, or if it will also be a year and a half taking us to the end of next school year.  My oldest is 10 turning 11 in the fall.   I may have him skip Geometry, (which is what RS recommends for older students) and move to a pre-algebra.   I’m also thinking of gettng ‘Hands On Equations’ for them for next year…  possibly doing RS 4 times a week and Hands On the other day….


    It is interesting because my rep in Canada told me to do geometry and Pre Algebra at the same time. They told me to spread out geometry for two years and also work on the Algebra from Videotext. So that is our plan. My son is twelve this year but we didn’t start RS level B till grade 2 as I started with Miquon. It took my son over a year to complete level E. My daughter is taking over a year to finish level C but my son didn’t so it shows that all children are so different.




    Sounds like its working well for your family. I truly believe it is one of the best math programs out there ! Yeah for us level b is taking a bit longer than we thought but if we work through the summer we should finish it up and go into c in August! We also did a whole math workbook on the side as a supplement and so that he had more practice with his new math skills



    My son is also doing level b in second grade. We started with level A last year because my son was just starting with right start math after having done one year in public school for kindergarten! I don’t think he learned much that year in kindergarten and we had a lot to catch up on.


    Kim, yes generally you do RS Geometry and start VideoText Algebra partway through and do them together.

    But, for the older student they do recommend having them skip Geometry. It is in their ‘How to teach level’ webinars, where they discuss older students in a level…


    I feel like we don’t play the games often enough! Do you guys supplement to right start at all? Like workbooks or anything?


    Echo does  Xtramath.org   Delta does but just occasionally, as I discovered it really wasn’t helping him at all.  They can also do Khan Academy


    We have used khan academy and liked it. We usually do the computer games etc for fun.

    We are starting Kindergarten in the fall and I’ve decided on RS, but am having trubouble deciding on an Edition.

    I have an opportunity to buy the first edition level A from a guy on Craigslist. I added up how much it would be to fill in the second edition manipulatives and books later. Baisically it would be the same cost as buying the new eddition straight from the website, but I would have both sets of books to compare, this is what I’m leaning towards but want to make the best decision before I go forward.

    Any advice for me being a newbie? If you were just starting kindergarten would you go with edition 1 or 2? Would you consider the craigslist deal and adding to it with edition 2 materials to decide for sure before level B or would you just pick one now and plow ahead and which if so? Thanks so much for the input!


    You need to just pick one and go with it.  If RS 2 is an easier layout and more games planned in, I would go with that one just starting out.  We have done RS 1 levels B and C.

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