Right Start Math (How long does it take you to complete one Lesson???)

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math Right Start Math (How long does it take you to complete one Lesson???)

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    I have to admit that I’m a little discouraged right now in our Math.  My dd is 7 1/2 yrs. and we are about half way through Right Start Level B.  I love this program, but I am battling with keeping the lessons short enough for my daughter to not lose focus.  When we do the entire lesson it usually takes 35-45min.  By that point she and I are both frustrated.  Today I set a timer for 20 min. and told her that if she gave me her best effort that we would stop when the timer went off.  She did so well, but we finished only half of the lesson.  I don’t want to push her beyond her capabilities, but if we only do half lessons we will not be able to finish Level B this year.  I guess it wouldn’t bother me except she is already doing 1st grade math in 2nd grade.  If we don’t finish it she will be doing 1st grade math in 3rd grade.

    I know that grade level is not important and that it is more important to go at their pace.  It would be nice to have some reassurance though.  Has anyone else using RS math had to split the lessons or stretch out the levels in order to keep it into a more reasonable lesson time for your child???  I know that CM says to keep lessons short.  Any thoughts would be appreciated!!!


    There are many threads on here about RS. I have read that it can take 1 1/2 to 2 years for a level. My ds is about the same age and at same level as your dd. But we switched math until we finally found the one that I think is going to work (Rightstart). I have to do the lesson and game at different times; unless the lesson happens to be shorter. So 15 – 20 minutes lesson in the morning and then a math game in the afternoon for 15 – 20 minutes. The games are so important. It is very important for them to understand the foundations of math that they build on later. I am hoping that he will go through math easy later on because of the solid understanding he is gaining now.


    Thank you Sarah.  We tried other programs also and ended up with RS and we really do like it.  I just keep finding myself pushing to get more done, because were are already “Behind” what the cirriculum says we are supposed to be at.  It is a war going on inside my head!!!!  There is only a battle with my dd when I try to push beyond the 15-20 min lessons I know I should stick to!!!!  Has anyone out there spaced it out and tought through the entire or almost the entire RS program???  


    I have taught level a – level c so far. I am working on level d right now. Now this is what has happened for my son. He happens to be good in math. So RS comes easy to him. The only thing I must say though is that I started him in the level b RS in grade 2 not grade 1. I had been doing Miquon math prior. He is able to do the lesson in one sitting. I unfortunately do not time it so I am not really sure how long it takes. Even though he is technically behind he is mastering the concepts which is what is more important to me. Now because I started my son one year late I decided that my daughter shall also start late because math does not come easy to her. I did level a for grade one. And then skipped the first 23 or so lessons because she had done level a . I am on lesson 69 and we have started to come into some difficulty. I was getting scared because my ds had no problems. So I just slowed down and kept up the game and really showed her the abacus. Then it clicked and the abacus was in her head and we can continue. I again don’t go by time but I can tell when she is tired. I find if the warm up takes too long then I don’t try to teach the whole lesson just the very first part then the next day I will add the rest without the warmup. I only have to do math three times a week to get her math accomplished in the year so if it starts getting harder we will just do four days or five. I am glad that I didn’t rush and put her in level b in grade one. So if you take more than a year to do level b that’s just fine. They are learning each concept well and that is what we want in the end. I hope I make sense and you are encouraged to just keep going at a slower pace when you need to. My dd is 7 and ds almost 10.

    It is a wonderful math program.



    We switched to RS in September… my son is 8, in “3rd grade”, and we are in RS Level B.  There is a Yahoo RS group that is helpful, if you haven’t found it yet.  There are lots of older kids doing RS… stop thinking you are “behind”.   Level B isn’t “1st grade math” – it is Level B.  They were given letters for homeschoolers for exactly that reason.   Also, you will have them doing 4 digit addition (3 numbers) – that isn’t standard in 1st grade.

    It is not at all uncommon for a level to take more than a year.  Level C is very common to take extra (like extremely common) – and it is also common for Level B to take extra.

    So… to make you feel better… lets imagine this timeline for your dd….  it may not match reality of course….

    B – grade 2 and 1/2 of grade 3

    C – rest of grade 3, grade 4

    D – grade 5

    E – grade 6

    Geometry/Video Text pre-algebra- grade 7&8

    and she is starting Algebra in Grade 9 with a better understanding than most….

    so – where exactly is she behind if she is starting Algebra in Grade 9???


    Also – how many kids (/adults) do you know that get to High School hating math, hardly understanding it, and barely able to add/subtract/multiply/divide… and don’t realize when an answer they give is way off?   I know LOTS.

    Take it at her speed and let her enjoy it.  On the RS Yahoo board, there are many experienced moms, many with older kids that have gone through the whole program.  Many of the experienced moms have said that they wished they had taken more time to play the games.  I’ve never heard any say that they played games too much and went too slowly….

    Teach the child – not the curriculum!


    Just joined the RS Yahoo group!!!  Wow!  Thanks for that suggestion.  Already have some great ideas just reading other peoples post.  I think I’m going to take a few weeks and just go back and review and play more of the games again.  I’m actually right on target with where alot of RS users are.  It is so easy to get caught up in the “school” timeline thing.  Thanks for all the encouragement!!!  


    This is very helpful!  My 7yo son is in the middle of Level B and I’ve often wondered about our speed.  We definitely do not finish every lesson in one day or one sitting.  He’s been struggling a bit with a few concepts (adding tens and 100’s to random numbers) so we’ve taken a break from the lessons and are doing only the games for a while.  I love having that option–to continue building math skills, without having a formal “lesson”.  He still loves math, and I want to keep it that way!

    I’m so happy to know about the Yahoo group; I just joined and am looking forward to reading through the threads for more encouragement and ideas.


    Yes you are doing fine. My ds 9 is in the middle of c but at least I know that he is learning and progressing, as this subject is his biggest struggle in school.


    PERFECT timing! Needed this post! Thank you so much!

    Games: Do you do games just as they are mentionned in each lesson or more frequently?


    Do games much more frequently. Make Friday game day. Or play games in the afternoon.


    Thank you!

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