Right Start for 1st Grade

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  • Linleigh

    We started Right Start Level A last year for kindergarten. I had hoped to finish the level and move on to Level B for 1st grade. It’s slow going though. We’re still about 20 lessons away from finishing. (Sometimes we take a couple of days per lesson.) I don’t want to rush the kids through it for the sake of staying on schedule but neither do I want them falling behind this early in the game. Do any of you use Level A for 1st grade? Should I just slow down and go at an appropriate pace, regardless of the level? I feel like if I do that, I’ll never feel as though we can take a day off from math! TIA for your thoughts.


    Go you child’s pace. Bug if you rally want to move to level b, you could as it also starts from the beginning.

    Technically, you have until about grade 9 to start algebra. So, assuming edition 1 of rightstart… You have 9 years (k-8) to do 7 levels… A,b,c,d,e,g, videotext a. There really is no panic, and you can’t really push math anyway…


    Level B does cover many of the topics learned in Level A so you could switch over and move through B at a slower pace, if needed. Or you can finish A and the move more quickly through Level B. 

    PS. I just started Level B Edition 2 with ds6 and I really like it.  


    And if it makes you feel better – my almost 10yo son is 1/2 wsy through lvel c


    I have been feeling panicky lately as well…my son is 8 but has autism and delay so we are just now doing level A. We are mostly doing one lesson a day but I still feel I am behind where we should be…even though technically we are where he needs to be 🙂 I am planning in starting level b where level a left off…hiddenjewel since you have the 2nd edition do you know what lesson would that be? Thanks!


    What lesson are you on in Level A? 


    We just started this school year so we are on lesson 30. But assuming we keep doing one lesson a day and finish it at the end of the school year, and start right there with level B where would we start? Thanks!

    To the op I don’t mean to steal your thread 🙂 I think you are doing good with timing! Look at me…just starting level A with an 8 year old 🙂


    This download includes the Table of Contents for Level B Edition 2.



    Suzukimom: good to know we have that extra time (7 levels in 9 years) before getting into Algebra. That hopefully gives me enough time to catch up!


    Thanks for the link! Does level B only have 37 lessons?? Or those are the only ones shown for the free trial? Sorry for asking so much!


    There are only 15 lessons the trial. I don’t have the full guide yet as it is supposed to be released early September.


    Got it! Thanks 🙂


    I tagged a couple of posts with ‘Joanna’ – that discusses rightstart math – timings for doing it and being ready for college that made me feel better. The original posts were a couple of years ago, but I bumped them up a couple of months ago.

    I am on the tablet so can’t easily find and link them – but do a search….


    I’m so glad to hear others of you who are not “on track” according to the RS website with their levels!! Wink  I felt I was moving through with a reasonable (though perhaps leaning toward the slow side), and then read that they consider level E to be grade 4, or something like that!  Now I feel a little more relaxed.

    To the original poster, I would second what others have said – I believe level B covers everything in A again.  I skip level A altogether, and just start with B in 1st grade with my children.


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