Richele, a math question

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  • mommamartha

    Dear Richele, Thank you for taking my math question. Our DS, 15, is finishing with Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1. I had it for our first child and used it for this one. What do you recommend for next year, Algebra 2 or Geometry and what publisher, since we can’t afford the teaching textbooks, though it has been a good fit for our 2 sons. This son’s interests point him into engineering or computer programming. Thanks, Martha

    Richele Baburina

    Hi mommartha,

    Thank you for writing.  How long do you have to wait for an answer from me as a few of us are looking seriously at a recommendation for Algebra II/Trig/PreCalc/Calc but need a bit more time before I’m ready to step out there with a formal recommendation.  I will be transparent with you about our personal family choice in light of Charlotte Mason’s philosophy of education.

    As always, Mason’s chosen textbooks were not meant to be used “as is” or taken apart from her applied philosophy.  I have been recommending Jacobs’ Geometry and Algebra taken over a two year span, split up through the week, but if your son has already completed an algebra course then Jacobs’ Geometry has an Algebra review built into it.  This means he shouldn’t have to endure the big review in Algebra II from having a year break in-between.

    Thank you for your patience.  It’s a big responsibility to recommend something and I don’t take it lightly.  My son also seems to be on an engineering track so it is of great importance on a personal level as well.




    My 9th grade son is leaning towards computer programming.  He used Videotext for Algebra (includes pre algebra through algebra II, and uses Art of Problem Solving now.  AOPS was recommended to me for programming type math (discrete math and combinatorics).

    I am not an expert,  but thought maybe this would help.


    Dear Richele,

    No sweat. I’m not an early planner, as I look forward to spring and summer curriculum sales, so I can thumb through books. I’m leaning toward Algebra 11. Since I posted I have investigated CLEP tests and I’d like to have him CLEP this December for Algebra 11, since the university we’ve chosen has a 100 level Algebra CLEP. It’s kind of made up our minds.

    I still would love to hear your recommendation though. Blessings, MArtha

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