Revolutionary War Era Book

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  • Tia

    hello again! i have been utilizing the Bookfinder and i just love it!  i found a book entitled Stories of the Pilgrims that i think looks like a very good overview of the pilgrims coming to america, settling, etc.  i am hoping to find a similar book that goes further than that chronogically…just through the Boston Tea Party, the signing of the Declaration and the Revolutionary War.  i think i am going to wait on Mara Pratt’s book simply because a 4 volume set is probably a little more involved than i want to get this year, since they are so little.  does anyone have any suggestions?  thanks so much!! 🙂


    Here are my suggestions for young kids.

    If You Lived at the time of the American Revolution  Great spine for younger kids

    Mr. Revere and I   Fun read aloud

    and if you like movies…..

    Felicity – An American Girl Adventure DVD

    Liberty’s Kids complete series

    Maybe your library would have these.


    Rachel White

    YOu can get the first volume of Mara Pratt for free online, BTW. Besides, you also don’t have to purchase all 4 of the MAra Pratt at one time. You can look at them at Yesterday’s Classics.

    Other than that, books by Cheryl Harness, Jean Fritz, Alice Dalgliesh (“America Begins”) Robert Syme, Barbera Schiller and James Knight are all good picture, history books that are easily found at the library or cheaply used at Amazon. There’s also books by Sam Fink; he illustrates vividly the Declaration, the Constitution and The Gettysburg Adress, though these may be better for 2nd and up. Lastly, Faith KNoop has both American and World History books. Some of the LAndmark books may be age-appropriate. I found the Stories of the Pilgrims to be over my children’s heads when they were 6/7. ALso, check your library for the Nest videos of some of our Founders, called Animated Heroes Classics. May I also recommend William Bennett’s “A Children’s Book of America”; his compilations are very valuable. The “Kids throughout History Series” and the LAurie Carlson series for activities.

    Depending on your dd’s reading ability, she may be intersted in the Childhood of Famous Americans Series as well as Lynne Cheney’s books for children.



    Right now the entire series of Liberty’s Kids is available for Instant Play on Netflix.  

    I posted a whole slew of books for American History on my blog.  I’m using them with kids ages 10, 9,  and 3.



    wow!  thank you all so much for suggestions.  i will look into them and see what i think will work. i haven’t really checked to see how far into history the first volume of Pratt’s book goes.  i will just buy it if i want it…i prefer to have books in hand and not to read them online.  i need to look at it more closely to see if it is something we can use this year.  thanks again! Smile

    Rachel White

    Pratt’s Vol. 1 goes from Early Exploration to the French and Indian War, Vol. 2 till after the Revolutionary War; Vol 3 from Washington’s Presidency till just before the War Between the States and Vol.4 from Lincoln’s election to the end of the War.



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