Reviewing Math Facts when finished with Rapid Recall

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  • pangit

    How do you review your math facts when you are done with Rapid Recall (or another program)?  How often?  We have finished Addition and I review one stack of 20 flash cards each day for 3 days and then do one of the review worksheets.  We are almost done with Subtraction and Multiplication.  Right now we review one stack of already learned facts each day for 4 days.

    Once we finish we are going to start back into their math books and it seems like a lot to do all of that and their books.  I have Math Facts NOW! on the computer.  Should I review each set of facts once a week, every day, should I put them in Math Facts NOW! and keep them separate or do a review of all facts?  How often?  How often or long do you use the review sheets?

    I have seen improvement with speed with doing every day review but sometimes it is overwhelming to do it all.  I want to do enough but would like the simplicity of our days back, too.  Maybe that is just lost as they are getting older and I’m just not ready for it!



    Suzukimom mentioned ANKI for spelling words, etc.  It might work for math facts, too.  I’m not sure.

    We use  LOVE.  Takes little time, unless I have them go through it more than once on some days.  The thing I like about it is I don’t have to be involved in the process.  When they get to it on their daily checklist, they head to the computer.  I can check on them in the reports section as needed, but I also receive updates on progress by e-mail.

    I haven’t added extras into our Scripture Box, yet.  But, I know it can be done.  Words, word lists, roots, math facts, poems, Catechisms, or other memory work should be able to be added into the rotation. 


    We use xtra math too after RR was finished.


    ANKI would work great, but XtraMath is easier for the kids to do on their own, and has the timer in it. ANKI doesn’t automatically check the work. OTOH, xtramath is always about 10min, ANKI could take less time if not as much practice is really needed


    Thanks!  Does xtramath review only one set of math facts at a time or do they mix them?  So if it takes 10 minutes, would it take 30 to review all 3?  Do you review each set of facts every day or just one of them each day?

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