Resources for Character Training – for little ones?

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  • MamaSnow

    I’m looking for ideas for resources (like a devotional or something similar) that focus on developing character traits that would be appropriate for my preschool aged children.  Something that ties in with Scripture memory for different traits would be great too.   Much of what I’ve come across either looks like it would be more appropriate when my kids are older, or else are completely twaddle.  Would appreciate any suggestions of things along these lines that have worked in your family.  (We do read every night from the Vos Story Bible, but am looking for something a little more specifically focused on character training to use during our ‘circle time’ in the morning.)



    Kenneth Taylor has one called Right Choices that we really like.  It’s great for preschoolers.  It tells a story, gives a scenario, and then you discuss the right choice.


    We like A Child’s Book of Character Building by Ron and Rebekah Coriell and The 21 Original Rules of This House by Gregg and Joshua Harris.


    I like Write Upon My Heart from I use it with my 7 and 5 yr old daughters. It as your journal for 30 days to create a new habit, stories, bible verses, etc. My girls enjoy it very much.



    We have really been enjoying Character Building for Families by Lee Ann Rubsam. Our girls are 6, 4, 3, 2, and 4 mos. My husband and I have learned a lot right along with our girls. It also has been really fun memorizing the scriptures as a family.  I love how Bible-centered it is, and there is no prep time required (just open up your Bible).  There are two volumes; we are currently going throught the first one. It covers 12 character traits and spends about a week or two on each one. I would encourage you to check it out! When I ordered from them, they had super fast shipping and even included a hand written “thank you.” 🙂 I’m sure I will order from them again.



    Right now, to go along with our morning Bible reading time, we’re using this, with our 5 and 7 year old – but you could easily use it with yournger children as well.

    It’s “Honor Your Father and Mother” by Doorposts.  It is so great for little ones – just a simple question, like “Do I obey my parents and do what is right, even when no one is looking”?  On the same page, it will have an outline picture (perfect for coloring in) of a little girl or boy, or both, demonstrating the question.  (like sneaking a cookie, or being a good example, or something like that)  If you have access to a copier, you could print off one page for each child to color while you read the question, and the verses that go with it (verses are also on the page, written out).  While the kids color the page, I read the question, and verses, and we talk about what the child is doing, and say something like –  “Make a face like the little girl” – “Now show me the face and response she should have had”…etc…

    It deals mostly with obedience and respect, but also has pages on being a good example, or being curdious…even forgiving parents in their short comings.  I mostly just pick the one that applys most for us each day instead of starting at the begining…it’s perfect for that.  If you don’t have a copier, you could just purchase one for each child…they aren’t very much.  Anyways, the kids love it – and it’s perfect for holding their attention, and engaging them….plus, I feel like having them color it gives them something for their busy little hands to do, while at the same time reinforcing the lesson….HTH! 


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