I don’t normally do New Year’s resolutions, but I’d like to commit myself to reading a book each month this next year that will challenge and deepen my faith. I would really love some suggestions and ideas on favourite books of everyone’s.
On a related note, is there anyone that might like to take part in this with me and have a sort of book club going, where we could encourage and discuss with each other?
A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, and Les Miserables are the three that first come to mind. I also love Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit by Teri Maxwell.
I will pray about joining you in this resolution!! I would love to take part, since it seems that I am always doing schoolwork for others and feel like I am getting “left out” of the liteary and spiritual feast. I will post again!! This is a wonderful idea
I was also wanting to read How to Worship a King and Pagan Christianity that Lindsey and Heather were recommending when that home church discussion was happening.
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