I’ve just started schooling with my 6 year old twin girls and initially they enjoyed telling back what they could from our readings in sequence but within a few weeks, especially for one of them, narration has become a dread. She says she doesn’t want to do it and can’t do it, even though I know if she applies her mind she really can. She finds it frustrating to be read to and then immediately after to have to tell back, although she can tell back later on to siblings or daddy when she wants to. I feel it’s the hard work of engaging the mind to re-tell which she’s pushing away from. She has enjoyed of her own initiative acting out a story with soft toys as her narration and I’m considering doing more of that but am aware of keeping up the discipline of being able to orally narate. However I don’t want it to become a battle pushing her further away from wanting to do it so am struggling to know how to insist upon it, all the while I know that lovely details of our readings have been lost from our minds because we didn’t narrate thoroughly. Is it ok to do more creative narrations more – acting, drawing etc if that engages or should I be trying to train the discipline of being willing to orally narrate when asked?