Reports and mistakes

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  • CindyS

    It looks like when I ask for a detailed report I get to see all that we worked on as well as what was completed. When I ask for a summary, it only shows those completed items? Is that correct?

    Also, how do I change an entry? I accidentally checked an item off twice and so now it looks like we are a chapter ahead.



    Sonya Shafer

    Yes, that’s correct, Cindy. Detailed reports show Worked On as well as Finished; Summary reports show only Finished assignments.

    Why don’t you e-mail me the details on the chapter you accidentally checked off, and I’ll see what I can do behind the scenes for you? You can either use the Contact Us form or send it to Sonya at (the name of this ministry).


    Hi Sonya,

    Thanks, but I think I’ll just fudge it from this end. So, there is not a way for the user to fix mistakes? That would be a need I would have, definitely. 🙂



    Sonya Shafer

    It’s just so hard to wrap my mind around the concept that any homeschool mom could make a mitsaek . . . er, mistake 😉


    Any advances on correcting mistakes in checking things off?

    I was trying to figure out how I would work a special resource and checked off all of the items to see if I could reschedule the same resource. Well, now that I’ve checked everything off I can’t get back to ‘undo’ any of those checks so I’m showing on my reports that something was done that wasn’t… and at the wrong time.

    It would be great if you could hide/show completed work so that you could perform undo’s on them to make them active again and get back to work.

    I actually tried deleting the schedule I made – probably the second so that didn’t help. And I deleted the resource… but it still shows in the report that the item is complete – and it isn’t.

    I’m starting school in June and am just trying to get everything put in so we can start after our vacation.

    Thank you,


    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Jason –

    As you discovered, right now, once an item goes into the reports, it’s there no matter what changes you make to the Daily Plan or Scheduler after that.

    We are continuing to mull over the best and simplest way to allow changes to reports. Thanks for your idea; let me make sure I’m “seeing” what you’re “seeing.” When you say “hide/show completed work” do you mean that the Daily Plan would show just the one or two current assignments it usually shows; then when you hit “show completed work” each resource would expand to show all the assignments previously checked off, allowing you to undo or change them?



    That would work, yes. I’ll provide some additional comments – sorry for the length and probably a little rambling.


    I would be assuming that resources are tied to the assignment or student, or even your account in the same way, so that if you have it in there multiple times it is still all the same actual item, not several different items.

    I like the way you’re thinking – say I create a resource for a poetry book (resource ID 123) and I add it as an assignment to read two poems. Later (any time really), I assign it again to read additional poems – it would still have the same resource ID so that when I made the assignment I could see the poems I had already read – maybe they were assigned months ago or last year, or maybe teachers have changed (parents switch roles, etc.) – then the ‘teacher’ can see that the student read poem 8 and 22 (specified in notes) so they wouldn’t assign them again.

    Now, if for some reason the poem was noted incorrectly, or the student didn’t actually complete the assignment or even a mistake – it currently disappears when you mark the last item incomplete. And if you made a mistake on a note 3 assignments back you have to undo until it comes to ‘the front’ and then make the modifications – but then I wonder if you’re messing up your records when you check them all finished again at the same time. I would imagine the actual time stamp would change and mess up your records.

    Now, as you suggested, if you could show all assignments, maybe for the resource (like the poem resource I created earlier) or for the student, for the category, all, whatever is displayed then you would be able to see all of the assignments for that resource. So, in my example I have assigned the poem resource to my student for the second time – a year later for example and I would be able to display the hidden assignments to that resource (weather I created it or not – anything scheduled – even completed ones that aren’t ‘reassigned’) so that you can modify them (notes) w/o undoing, or undo any one of them… or in order until you’re back to where you want the assignment to me.

    I think it would help ‘recover’ lost assignments due to a mistake as well as give the user more flexibility to manage the student assignments past and present.


    Here is a mock image: mock.jpg

    Sonya Shafer

    Wow, a mock image even! Thanks! What about resources that are not on the current Plan? I’m trying to picture how a user would gain access to those. Got any ideas on that?



    Well, you could access it from the reports which seems great because the information is there… well you can find the completed assignments, and maybe a link would be ok, but I still think that if you’re on the Scheduler tab there could be a button/link that would show/hide all of the assignments. The completed ones could be shaded but just as active – maybe a javascript alert to make sure you want to change that item, but if I had a picture study and accidentally checked off the last item because I was click-happy then I could ‘show all assignments’ and it would display all of the assignments for whatever is currently displayed (Subject/student/all). In fact, it would be even more helpful to have a show/hide for each resource (more below).

    By doing this I can see everything I’ve had for the student – now, after 12 years this will be a lot, so maybe it is limited at first to a year or months, but eventually allowing to display a time frame would be great – no use doing it if there isn’t a need for it. Since I made a mistake on the above example I would now see the picture study displayed with all of the assignments and I could un-select the last one and it would now be ‘active’ – the color would change from shaded or something. I could then treat it like normal. Maybe I just need to go back and make notes to better document what happened so I can get my student ready for college classes, etc. Who knows – that’s why it would be so helpful.

    Now, if I had a picture study of Monet in 6th grade and I’m ready to repeat it in say 8th grade (or later in the 6th grade year when we happen to have a Monet exhibit in town) I may not remember that we studied Monet yet – or what pictures did we look at. Now, that might not be so important, but it would be good to review. So, since I didn’t remember I could add my resource, as you described in your demo, Monet’s art again to this student and then ‘show’ all assignments and I would see the 6 pieces of art with notes or whatever from when I last used that resource. Now again, that is assuming that resources are tied to students/assignments in this way. Something like that would be pretty handy – it would really give the ‘teacher’ a more in depth tool to review and manage the student work.

    Just some ideas – I hope they help a little.



    Sonya Shafer

    Great ideas, Jason. I’m passing them along to my webmaster/designer and programmer. Thanks!

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