Reports and attendance

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  • Tania Rush

    I really like the fact the organizer allows me to keep track of how many days we have done school.   I will be needing to report specifically what days we do school next year and I am wondering if there is a way to see what dates we did school rather than just how many days were done that month?  Thanks.

    Sonya Shafer

    The Detailed report itemizes the dates you checked off any school work as worked on or completed, so you should be able to get your dates from that report.

    Tania Rush

    Thank you, I didn’t think of doing it that way.  That will work, although is there any chance that it could be done through the attendance report in the future?

    Doug Smith

    We discussed adding a list of dates to the attendance report, but it seems like the question about what happened on a particular date would invariably come up. And then we’re essentially back to the detailed report.

    One other thing we’ve talked about is adding a custom date range filter to the detail report. Then you could see all the activity for a particluar month or quarter, etc. Would that make it meet your needs for this purpose better?

    Tania Rush

    No, if I understand my state requirements, at this age I only need to report what dates we did school.  I don’t need a detailed report of what subjects we did.  I might need that when she is in middle school or high school, but the detailed report would serve that purpose.  All I would need is the actual dates that we did any school on. 

    “We discussed adding a list of dates to the attendance report,”  So essentially that is all I would need.  If I wanted more detail the detailed report would serve that purpose. 🙂


    Thanks for your response. 🙂

    Tania Rush

    “One other thing we’ve talked about is adding a custom date range filter to the detail report. Then you could see all the activity for a particluar month or quarter, etc.”


    Although as I am thinking about it this would definitely help it not be quite so overwhelming to sift through all the info to make up my own attendance report to send in.  But it would still be giving me way more information than I would need.


    What about just printing out a one page calendar and putting it on your fridge. Then you could just check or circle the days you have school. Donna Young has 12, 13, 15, and 18 months calendars you can print for free on her site. Not sure how your supposed to report the dates you school but if allowed you could just send the calendar in for accountability.

    Tania Rush

    Thanks Charlene for the idea.  That is what I will end up doing.  I just know that when life starts happening I will forget to mark a day off and it would be awfully nice to have it kept track of with the organizer. 🙂

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